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*warning: severe bullying*


The first thing that came to my mind the moment I stepped inside of school was to find Justin. My eyes zeroed in on his locker and when I saw he wasn't there I began to panic a little.

He was always at his locker talking to his friends, waiting for me so we could walk to class together, but he wasn't. My heart was in an anxiety frenzy thinking Mandy would show up any second.

However, the devil himself decided to make himself know as I just made it my own locker.

"How's my little fucked up whore doing today? Hope you put your big girl panties on today," he taunted, twirling a lock of my hair in his fingers. I became paralyzed in my spot, I couldn't even think about getting away from him I was so worried he'd do something to hurt me.

"Not today Kyler," I mumbled looking at the ground. He let go of my hair with force, causing me to wince a little. "I'm going to be late to--"

"To class, I know," he rolled his eyes. "Always your same lame ass excuse when you're trying to get away from me."

Lucky for this bastard, I did put on my big girl panties today.

"Kyler, haven't you realized something that could've fixed this whole mess a month ago?" I said, finally gaining the little courage I needed to look him in the eye. "For one, if you want me so bad why did you feel the need to cheat? And two, you say all of these things about me; calling me all of these names, yet you still go out your way to let me know there's no one else for me but you. And three, no matter if you want me or not because I don't want you anymore, stop being an ass and find something better to do with your excuse for a life."

It was like a lighting bolt, how fast and painful his hand stroke my cheek. Kyler placed his hand by the side of my head on the locker and leaned in threateningly. My lip trembled and my voice shook, but it didn't stop me from speaking again.

"You're a sick, twisted, bastard," this time a blow came down to my cheek bone and it sent me crashing to the floor. Two guys from the football team pulled him away from me, telling him he that was enough.

For Kyler, that was only the beginning. He broke out of their grip and stooped down to be eye level with me.

"Know your place bitch," his low tone sent terrifying shivers through my bones. "You're nothing, but a worthless whore. Write it down in case you forget again," he kissed my neck to push me further on the edge before walking away. It felt nothing like Harry's kisses.

I sniffled as the tears started falling down my face. Everyone in the hallway was looking dead at me as if they were waiting to see what the character was going to do next in a movie.

I turned on my heels and made a run for the girl's bathroom, thanking my lucky stars that I was the only one in here. I locked the door and began to sob on, clutching on the sink so I wouldn't fall on the disgusting floor.

Someone banged on the door and I immediately told them to go away. Not bothering to ask who was there.

"Rosalie, it's me," I was fuming at the sound of his voice. I swung the door open, yanked him inside, then closed and locked the door back.

"Where were you?!" I pushed him. "You said you'd wait for me and the moment you weren't there he attacked!"

"What happened to you?" He tried to touch my cheek but I slapped his hand away.

"He slapped and punched me Justin!"


"I tried to stick up for myself and he abused me and called me a worthless whore because he saw that you weren't there!" I shoved him again, crying through my screams. "After what happened that day you said you'd always wait for me and you weren't there!"

I hit his chest with all the force I had in my tiny hand.

I hit him repeatedly until I gave up and slumped to the floor. The sting and pain on the left side of my face still fresh; I could feel it whelping up.

"I'm so sorry," Justin had tears in his eyes knowing he let me down. He kneeled down in front of me and caressed my other cheek.

"Where were you?" I cried.

"I was caught up with friends," he said ashamedly, not able to look me in the eye any longer. "I'm so sorry."

"You promised," the moment I said those words he took me in his arms and hugged me tightly as the same flashback that we took an oath to never speak of invaded both of our minds and we sat silently regretting everything that happened that day.


As expected, everyone looked at me as if I was an invader from Jupiter. I was used to the whispers and lingering stares, but this was too much. It was suffocating.

Even the teachers looked at me funnily, seeing a big whelp/bruise on my cheek bone. They tried to talk to me about abuse, assuming it took place at home, but I walked away before they finished every time.

They talked to me as if I was a ticking time bomb or if I was thinking about commiting and it pissed me off. All they needed to do was give me an ice pack and send me home, but they decided to turn into Dr. Phil and try to get me to tell my life story.

Justin and I didn't go to the cafeteria for lunch. Instead we sat in his car and watched Netflix on his phone, emotions non-existent in both of our faces. I couldn't feel my face and he was drowning in guilt.

This day was the true and raw definition of FML.

Author's Note

Double update yayy!

This chapter was depressing, yes I know. But I wanted you guys to see how Kyler bullies her and not just Mandy since Kyler starter it all.

He started bullying her because she dumped him and the whole school found out and it made him look like a fool so instead, Kyler turned the whole school against her, yet he doesn't want anyone to have her.

Crazy right?

Sorry if it made anyone feel a type of way :(

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