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Kyler's mistreating ways were even worse at school. He'd find anyway to get under my skin and wouldn't stop until I was screaming at him or shedding tears in the girls bathroom.

Mandy only added fuel to his fire.

She was obsessed with Kyler, but Kyler didn't feel the same way as he was too busy making sure he was the reason my life was hell on earth so Mandy took her twisted anger out on me.

"Why can't you just leave me alone," my voice shook as I tried to swallow my tears. Mandy and a couple of other girls from the cheerleading team had blocked me from leaving the locker room only so they could bully me until I broke down and it was working.

"Because it isn't fair Kyler's hooked up on a whore like you," she sneered. "You probably slept with half the school by now, huh Davis?"

"I'm going to be late to Gym," I tried to walk past her, but she shoved me back. Her eyes wandering down to my naked torso in disgust.

"No wonder you didn't make the cheer team, your body's too ugly to be shown," she pinched my side, causing tears to prick my eyes. I was in the middle of getting dressed for P.E. when they decided to make their attack so I was exposed, only managing to slip on my gym shorts. "I bet that's the reason Kyler cheated on you."

"I think you got to her Mandy," a girl with short, blonde hair smirked as a tear fell down my cheek.

"I'm impressed!" her smile was so evil she could pass for a villain in a movie. "You held your pathetic tears in longer than last time. Even muttered a few words."

"Go to hell the lot of you," I murmured angrily, looking down at my socks.

In the blink of an eye I was being smashed against the lockers, the motion so quick I didn't even see it coming. All I felt was the brutal impact then my body slumped to the floor as an excruciating pain took over my entire body.

"Remember your place bitch!" she said as she and the rest of the girls left the locker room, laughing at my crumbled state.

A gasp left my lips as I sobbed into my sore arms, feeling hopeless. The door swung open and I jumped, thinking it was Mandy again.

"Rosalie?" my heart warmed in relief and more tears shed at the sound of his voice. "What happened? I heard a clash and came as quick as I could."

"Are you okay?" he rushed to my side and helped me up. My shoulder was in the most pain as it was the first thing to hit the lockers. I shook my head as he sat me down on a bench and handed me my shirt.

"Take me home please," I whispered, the tears falling on their own at this point. Justin nodded his head and grabbed my bag before taking my hand and leading me out of the school.

And to think this was how my life at school was everyday.


It was like a routine for Justin whenever an "episode" happened. He'd find me crying, take me home, then stay the whole night trying to cheer me up.

"You wanna hear a joke?" he asked. We were lying on my bed, pointlessly watching the ceiling fan turn. I hummed in response and he cleared his throat dramatically. "Knock knock."

"Who's there?" I mumbled.


"Etch who?"

"Bless you," I turned my head in his direction to be met by his smirking face. I couldn't help but to crack a small smile at his since of humor.



"Whatever Mandy told you is a lie. She's just an ogre, jealous of you because she only looks human in daylight hours," my eyes watered as I remembered the things she said to me. Instead of speaking, I rested my head on his chest and forced myself to fall asleep.


It felt like I was asleep for two minutes when Justin almost threw me off of the bed, shaking me as he couldn't contain his excitement.

"What the hell?" I groaned, sitting up and running my eyes as they adjusted to being open. The sun was almost gone, the main source of light coming from my phone that ignited on Justin's face.

"You never told me you two were texting!" he gawked, reading my message. I tried to snatch my phone away, but he put his hand on my face to keep me at a distance as he read the text out loud. "Can't wait to see you tomorrow."

He gasped. "He even called you Rosy, aww I'm melting!"

"You suck at acting like a girl," I rolled my eyes before finally grabbing my phone and reading the text myself.

Harry: Hi Rosy, Can't wait to see you tomorrow :)

No one ever gave me a nickname. I was always known as Rosalie or Rosalie Anne Davis if I was in trouble. It instantly put a smile on my face, despite the previous events from earlier at school eating me alive.

"Are you going to sit there and drool over it or are you going to respond?" I narrowed my eyes at him, my smile disappearing, then focused on my phone.

"What am I even supposed to say? Thanks?"

"How about a simple 'you too'?"

"Ew, no. That's so plain and dry. I want to spark the conversation not cut it off."

"Well I don't know what he wants to here!" The dude was completely helpless when it came to boys.

"Aren't you a guy? You should know what kind of reply he wants!" I flared my arms dramatically, freaking out just as much as he was.

"Uh hello? I'm eighteen, He's fucking twenty one. Different ages, different interests."

"Don't make him sound like a perv! It's only a four year difference." We both jumped as someone banged on the door.

"I can here you all the way down stairs!" my mom hollered, her steps fading as she walked away.

"Sorry!" I apologized before scolding Justin, causing him to burst into laughter.

Even though I wanted to smack him senseless for getting me yelled at, I couldn't help my smile as I realized he succeeded in cheering me up once again.

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