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I told mom my textbook fell on my face when I tried to reach for it and she believed every bit of it. She wanted to get my "clumsiness" checked out by a doctor but I reassured her that that wasn't necessary.

My mind was over thinking everything as I walked through the mall aimlessly, paranoid that I'd somehow run into Kyler. It was all I could think about all day.

Why would Kyler be in Victoria's Secret? Get a grip Rosalie and calm down.

I took a deep, dramatic breath then paid for my items. I felt better after doing a little bit of retail therapy. It felt good spending money that's just been sitting in an account, collecting dust.

The moment I stepped foot out the mall my lungs felt as though they exploded into dust and the air I was taking in from my nose was stuck in my throat since it had nowhere to go.

They were yelling questions I could hardly understand because everyone was speaking simultaneously. The bright flashes of their cameras directly in my face didn't help my panicked state either.

"Go away!" I wheezed out, trying to shove them away from me. Their yelling died down a bit, the camera flashes following suit. I was practically cornered in.

"Did Harry Styles do that to you?" one of the paps asked loud and clear. My heart stopped in my chest and my vision blurred, forgetting that I needed to breathe.

I sucked in a huge breath to gather up all of my strength then pushed through the crowd of men. Unfortunately, some of them followed me to my car.

"Did he do this?" one shoved his camera almost in my car as I was about to shut the door.

"No," I mumbled through gritted teeth before slamming my door shut and speeding off.

I should've ran over those bastards.


It hadn't even been a full twenty four hours and there were already pictures on the internet from earlier. I listened to Harry and restrained from reading any articles based on the images.

I bit my lip so hard I tasted the saltiness of my blood melt onto my tongue as the thought of Harry seeing the pictures haunted my mind.

I'd be in so much trouble. . .


My adrenaline was still on high after performing at The X-Factor last night. A maniac smile painted my lips throughout the whole day.

We had a radio interview on Capital FM about the normal things; tour, the album, and fans.

There was a new host filling in today. A woman by the name of Debra Luckett. She looked to be a few years older than me and her nails scared me a little with how long and pointy they were.

"You know we have to talk about rumors," she smirked and we all groaned jokingly. "Zayn, it's been a rumor saying you were thinking about leaving One Direction!"

"I'm going to have to say that's true."

"Uh oh!" she gasped dramatically.

"But I had a chat with Harry over here some days back about what I wanted to do and nothing could beat seeing the fans faces when you walk through the room. It's pure happiness and that's all I want to do; make people happy. So I'm happy to say that I'm Dj Malik is here to stay!" we all cheered at the news, patting zayn on the back.

"I know that last interviewer who brought this particular girl up received a major clapback and shade."

Here we go again. . .

"But I couldn't pass this up. It's literally trending on Google."

"Alright then, spit it out," I sighed, ready to tell her off.

"Your mystery girl was seen with a severe bruise on the right side of her face, yesterday afternoon according to her time zone. Everyone's saying it's you that gave it to her, the sweet Harry Styles putting his hands on someone. Now I find that hard to believe, but can't help to be curious."

My blood was boiling over and my eyes zeroed in to the middle of her forehead. Where I wanted to put a bullet. However, I kept my emotions on the inside and my face remained calm.

"It's actually quite disgusting how someone would think I'd abuse someone. A girl to be more specific," the boys already knew what kind of level of anger I was on judging by their silence and bulging eyes.

"First and foremost, I'd never put my hands on her that way. Secondly, if you used your logic you'd know there's no way I did it since I've been in London for a month while she's in LA moreso the fact that it looks like she got it two days ago," my voice rose the more in depth I explained her nonsense to her and Louis put grabbed my arm, silently telling me to calm down.

"I think I should step out and let the lads finish this one without me," I mumbled, standing from my seat and leaving the room.

My brain was going a mile per minute as I paced back and forth in the hallway. I took a seat on the bench to try and slow my erratic thoughts and breathing down, but it only resulted in my leg bouncing up and down on its own will.

I already knew who did this to Rosalie. The moment the lady opened her mouth about her bruise his stupid name played on a loop in my mind.

Why would he do this to her? She was such a sweet little girl who couldn't hurt a fly. What made him so angry he had to beat on her.

The mere thought of someone's hands on my Rosy sent me sky rocketing and damn near flying out of the building. No one touches what belongs to me, but unfortunately no one knew she was my prized possession over all things.

Well it's fucking time they learned.

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