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Author's note:
So basically, first story. Probably sucks. I don't care I just like the idea I had in my head and thought I'd write. I hate the ANs, so ima keep it short and sweet. If no one reads it, I'll probably stop the story. But anyways enjoy and don't cry too much :). Above is a pic of what I think Nico (w/out blue eyes)would look like as a teen.


Camp sucks. That's all I can really say. I mean you'd think the same. I was on my way to the dining hall to eat something since I hadn't in a few days. Walking around here with hundreds of eyes on your back in anticipation of you about to kill something isn't pleasant. In all honestly, I just wanted to go get a cupcake, but now I got people thinking I'm gonna kill em'. In addition to these people staring me down, my own "friends" won't even look me in my eyes. I mean I don't have lasers and even if I did I wouldn't shoot down everyone

Hazel and Frank are of course the ones I "trust" the most as at this point we're basically family. Jason is obviously a friend *gag* because of what happened with that love demon. Though, Piper makes me uncomfortable as I feel as if she knows my darkest secret. Even thinking about it gives me chills. You thought I was gonna tell you what it is? Hah, no, even you haven't gained my trust. Leo and Annabeth don't really make me feel any type of way, in all honesty, I don't even talk to them.

And don't get me started on the one and only- Percy Jackson. If you thought I was gonna rant on about his handsome body, cute smile, and manly features, you're wrong. Ahem... He's mister perfect in a world full of mistakes and I hate every single second of it. Especially, when the mistake he's trying to fix is me.

I guess I should introduce myself instead of going off on all these peasants. The names Nico Di Angelo. I'm 17 going on 87 (that's a whole other story) and I'm the son of the one and only pain himself- Hades.

Right now, I probably sound like an angsty teen and while that's somewhat true, my life has been nothing but a disaster. And this disaster just got even worse as the days went on. Nothing was normal in Camp Half-Blood, but somehow I was the one that always got looked at with disdain even by the ones that cared. To add on top of that, I can't have real friends. I won't accept that they'll actually be there for me. Or that they'll fight for me like they say they will. Because if I do, I'll lose them just like how I lost everyone else who promised to stay.

No one understood, so why bother wasting my breath to make them see my pain.

No one understood, so why bother wasting my breath to make them see my pain

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Camp Half-Blood was a relief for me. The arena, the dining hall, the comfy cabins. And my friends. They were very supportive after the war and...Tartarus. I was even more surprised when they accepted me when I came out as bisexual. Yes, you heard it here folks, Mister Super Hero Jackson likes both sides of the Twix *wink wink*.

Due to this new investment in the male specimens, Annabeth and I decided to break up and let me get comfortable with myself. She was the perfect girlfriend and I couldn't really complain, but at the same time, I had my eyes on someone else. I'm not gonna tell you who because if I did that, I'd have to take all the blue food away from you and don't want that.

This guy or girl was broken and I wanted to help him. Er him/her. Anyways, they blocked all of the Seven off and I wanted, no, I needed to know why and to make them stop. If I ever saw them go back to what they used to be I'd break inside. They may not feel it but I've seen improvement in how they even talk to us. They meant the world to me and I didn't quite know how to show that. But I sure was gonna try.

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