The Second

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Above is Frank. This chapter does have a trigger warning and I'll tell you when it comes up. Enjoy.


Okay, so Nico is gay. It's a surprise. I can't lie and say it was a total surprise because I had my suspicions especially when Nico was around certain guys. Around Jason, he was so comfortable and open. Around Ashland, he was more sarcastic and him. Finally, Percy caused Nico to stutter or just go completely silent. I don't know if it was a good or bad silence, but it was definitely there. But this isn't my main concern. Right now, we just needed to get Nico at least to back where he was even if that means him going back to being quietly around. Hey, at least he'd be around.

The seven of us were gathered in Jason's cabin talking about Nico and the plan of action. The breakfast bell had rung, but none of us except Leo and Percy were hungry and were currently fighting over a leftover orange. I ignored them as I heard Jason began to speak.

"Nico's been through a lot of pain and deaths. I'm sure he knows how to deal with it, but I feel like he shouldn't be alone in the process. The only problem is I don't know how to get us closer to him," Jason said rubbing his temples before pressing his glasses up. Just as equally stumped as Jason was, the rest of us sat there in silence thinking. Each idea we could think of was stricken down by the fact that Nico still would block us out.

"I GOT IT!" Leo pranced around the room sprouting sparks out of his nose. It was disgusting but funny. Giggling I asked, "What exactly do you have? Keeping in mind that Nico might kill you for it." He finally stopped spitting flames and plopped in the front of us, "Well, of course, death boy isn't gonna listen and let all of us in at the same time, right?" We nodded in agreement as he continued. "Then each person should go in and talk to him like Hazel did yesterday. Haze, you said that you got him to open up, so what makes us think that if we try to individually relate to him, we wouldn't have the same amount of success."

Annabeth's eyes sparkled, " Exactly, and then he'd trust each of individually and when we got together we could all openly talk to him and get him to trust us as friends. Leo, you're not that dumb." Leo smiled brightly and then his grin dropped in realization, "Hey!!"

"Okay, so it's a good idea, but for it to work, we need to tell each other everything he tells us if we can. It's the only way we'd get to know him," Percy stated. Again, we all nodded. So I guess that's the plan. I had already told him about what Nico and I discussed besides his sexuality. I thought that that should his choice to tell us.

Piper clapped her hands with a big smile, "Sooooo who's next. Hazel already went so that leaves six." "I think Frank should go," I said and before he could protest I continued, "because Nico trusts you to take care of me so he'd be more open to talking to you next especially if his adorable little sister requested it."

Frank's face turned red. I knew he was self-conscious around Nico because, to be honest, Nico was hard to please. Frank didn't want to be that boyfriend that the brother didn't like. I totally understood, but out of all them I needed him to gain Nico's trust the most.

"Um, uh.. okay," Frank said while reluctantly getting up with the rest of us following him happy that this plan was gonna work.


*TRIGGER WARNING: depression and self-harm* (ill sum it up in the end if you don't want to read it)

The breakfast bell woke me up from a restless night. I hadn't been out of bed since yesterday, and I had no intentions of getting out of bed. Not for food or anyone that thought they were more important than the bed. Trying to go back to sleep, I laid down, but to my luck, my mind was on full alert mode. It kept replaying the fight with the giant robot thingy. Subconsciously, I began taking note of all the stupid things I did. All the things that could've prevented him from dying.

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