The Escape

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I'm backkkkkk this one is interesting. I couldn't really find a good pic to go with this since a lot happens but here you are. This is mainly Percy and you'll see why. You might wanna go back to the previous chapter to freshen up before reading this one. Anyways, enjoy :)xxx


I'm guessing Nemesis took my threat as a challenge as her wings snapped behind her back and she raised her chin cockily. My pose resembled hers as I pulled out Riptide and widened my stance.

Before I could get in full defense position, I felt a cold hand on my arm.

Nico was looking up at me shaking his head, but I ignored it. If I didn't handle her right now, she would attack Nico again, and then I'd really have to kill her.

Ignoring the younger demigod, I pulled from his grip and got in my fighting position.

We circled each other for about a minute. Around us, I could hear the gods and Chiron warning us not to do this while the campers stood in silence with maybe a few Ares campers egging us on.

"You trying to make me dizzy? Come on and throw the first punch little boy!" Nemesis sneered.

With a chuckle I flicked my sword a little bit, "I don't think you'd be able to handle it, you old hag."

"Watch your mouth boy before I slice it off."

"I don't think you're strong enough to do that."

"Oh really?!" Finally, the goddess lashed out at me her wing snapping at my neck I deflected it with Riptide. In doing so, I cut a large slice of her wing out which was now lying beside my foot. She fell in pain on the floor screaming.

I took this as a chance to get the upper hand and ran towards her full Sparta mode.

"AAAAHHHHHH!!!!" Before I could even slice off the rest of her wing, the other one whipped around to my left leg and cut a gash in it. I'm lucky I jumped up otherwise my leg would've been laying beside her wing.

"NOO!!" Poseidon and Nico yelled and ran in unison to my side, but I told them both to get back to which they reluctantly agreed. Nemesis just laughed and again tried to sideswipe me. She caught the edge of my ankle at the same time I cut the tip off her other wing.

This carried on for a long time. Our powers were spitting of flames of blue and dark red causing a dust cloud of purple to fill the camp. The demigods had no idea what was going on, but from what I could see we were fighting to the death.

Everyone became hectic and loud trying to see or even join the fight, that I started to fully try to kill her and vice versa. I knew it wasn't going to end well, but if I stopped fighting I would die. So I kept going.

That is, until a flash of white spread across the camp with a piercing scream along with it. Immediately the dust cloud went away. Nemesis stopped swinging her wings. My sword dropped and then returned to my pocket. The gods no longer were yelling.

All of the campers were silent and staring at a huge black flame.

At first, I thought it was Hades, but when the death god began speaking to the flame I noticed that it was Nico.

"...Nico? What the hell did you just do?" Hades spoke slowly walking up to his son.

Nico was shaking and the flame started to go down showing his tear-stained face. His eyes had gone full jet-black. His lips were tight and his glare was strong. He resembled his father and that was not a good thing in his case.

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