The Escape...#2

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Guys I've literally been dying since last Saturday. My immune system decided to shut down on my bday on Halloween (yes I'm the devil's child I know) but I literally couldn't do anything but die. Anyways, I know, no excuses. Here is the long- awaited update. xxxxxxx
(Pic is not mine. Credit due to artist. But above Is Percy and Nico. )


I ran as quickly as I could to the front of the camp ignoring the pains shooting through my body. Will was right behind me either shouting in joy for Nico or screaming death threats at me for leaving the infirmary. Didn't know nor care especially as I saw long dark hair on a short pale figure in the middle of the seven.

Nico's hand was gripped tightly by Hazel and Jason had an arm wrapped around him. To say I was jealous of both of them was an understatement.

"Nico!!" He turned to face me and gave a smile. However, the smile held something else behind it than the usual smile he showed me.

" Now that you are all here, I have to uh tell you guys something." Nico started to walk towards his cabin and we followed assuming that's where he wanted to talk.

As I walked, my mind fogged over what he was going to tell us.

He could be telling us that he doesn't want to be friends with us.

Or maybe he's moving to Camp Jupiter

Or he's giving up being a demigod.

Or maybe he's not even a demigod AT ALL!!!

Okay, my ADHD kicked in and I had to stop myself from thinking any further. Luckily, we arrived at the Hades Cabin and we all walked in.

Nico sat on his bed and I made a casual effort to assure a spot next to him for myself. I was successful if do say so myself.

Hazel sat on the other side of Nico. Leo was across from us on Hazel's bed with Jason and Piper. Frank, Annabeth, and Will sat in-between the two beds facing Nico.

Nico took the silence in the room as a signal that we were ready to hear this hopefully good news. He took in a deep breath and started speaking.


"So recently I've been trying to be more open to you guys and that's clearly failed. My failure to I guess has nothing to do with you guys. I just... I just want to be able to be comfortable being me and I can't because of the fact that my mind is still stuck in the past both figuratively and literally."

My accent was starting to come through as I struggled over my words and pronunciation: a clear sign that I was nervous.

All of the seven held a unique look on the faces that had a similar sign of curiosity and worry. I didn't want to scare them, but I knew what I was going to say next was going to give them a heart attack.

"What I'm trying to say is; I can't stay at Camp anymore. I need to just get awa-"

"What?!?!" Percy practically shouted in my ear. I flinched back and this caused him to calm down, but not too much as his eyes were still dark green.

Hazel touched my arm with a firm grip and stern look in her eye, "You can't leave. This is your family, frere." (Translation: brother (In French))

I looked up at everyone who was nodding in agreement. I sighed and turned towards Hazel.

"Haze, a family is amazing to have. But if I'm not in a mindset to accept that love, I have to go and work on myself or all that amazing-ness is wasted."

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