The Pain

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A/N;  school is whooping my butt. Soo updates will be slightly slow unless I write at night time. Anyways the pic above is Tartarus and this one is especially long  as a sorry for the late update. Enjoy :)

Nico has been showing up to dinner and our group practices more recently which is amazing. Although he usually stays around Jason or Hazel, he has talked to me more gradually each day.

Being the son of Hades, he really brightens up the room. Ironically. Piper and him have become more comfortable. He chuckles a little with Hazel and Jason. He likes watching Leo build. And talks more to Annabeth and Frank about Camp Jupiter and their building plan.

I felt today was going to be even better as today was Hazel's birthday party and everyone was in high spirits. We were hosting it in my cabin since the Hades cabin is smaller and the Zeus cabin is so empty.

We had pizza, cake, chips, and all types of kid-friendly drinks. Leo even managed to create a radio and had some blues playing in the background.

Our plan tonight was to give her her gifts, eat, play games, and watch a movie. I was really going to bargain for Finding Dory tonight.

The only thing dampening my mood is the fact that Nico is not here. Surprise, surprise. Everyone else was though so that was alright.

Annabeth and I shared a blanket on the floor. Leo and Piper were sharing a huge loveseat so that they could equally share the popcorn. Hazel and Frank were sitting on my bed. And Jason was across from me on the floor with the door behind him.

The chips were being eaten by all of us but the cake hadn't arrived yet as Nico was the one in charge of getting it. Hopefully, he didn't get attacked at the bakery. Hehe, that'd be a sight to see-

"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU !!??!!" A loud voice echoed through the cabin door from outside. We all looked around at each other, but before we could go out to investigate, Drew popped her head in the door with cake in hand.

With a big smile and wary eyes she started speaking, "Um so hi. Uh happy birthday, Hazel. I saw Nico walking in with your cake and no one should be dressed so ugly for a special occasion so I decided to fix him up. Except he didn't like it nor the fact that I can't redo it....anywho gotta go. See ya later!!" She put the cake on the floor and ran.

More bickering was heard outside after drew left. It sounded like a guy and she was going at it. Guessing it was Nico.

Hazel chuckled and placed the cake on a table right before her older brother walked in.

He was wearing a white muscle top with some holes in all the right places. Then he had on black skinny jeans and usual. He also had a blue flannel around his waist which only brought more attention to his almost female body. He then had on black Nikes and a silver earring was hanging from the left ear.

He was hot.

To top it all of his hair that was usually pulled into a bun or ponytail was now down and fell down his back.

To top it all of his hair that was usually pulled into a bun or ponytail was now down and fell down his back

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