The Fifth

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A/N: Back again with some saucy fiction for ya. This one was fun to write. Above is a pic of Pipes. Imagine her little feather and stuff in the hair. I got kinda lazy with the images lol. Anways, enjoy :)

I must've slept into the next day's evening. I woke up and the sun was setting. Not that I was complaining or anything. I needed some recovery from seeing monsters from Tartarus every night. Stretching and rolling out of bed, I got up to shower. In the shower, the cuts on my arms looked as if they were healing which was good. The scars were gonna suck, though. At least they'll match the others.

The water started turning cold as I was in there for a while, so I cut off the water and dried off. After getting dressed in some black jeans and a black Nike shirt, I went back to the bathroom to brush my teeth and hair. My hair had reached a little past my shoulders. I wanted to cut it but I was too lazy.

Pulling it back into a "ponytail", I walked out to the arena for training with some kids. Supposedly I was supposed to teach them some sparring and defense, but out of all us demigods who aren't dead right now they could've chose someone else. Kids all piled in and sat around waiting for instructions.

After about twenty minutes of fake sparring, the kids paired up and began battling for real. I had to stop one girl from swatting the sword as if it were a bee. And another little boy from waving his dagger in the air like a wand. By the time the lesson was over, I was more than prepared to go back to my cabin and sleep. But Piper has other plans for me as she practically jumped me while I was coming out of the arena.

"Piper! What in the world are you doing? I almost fell." I push her off my back and adjust my sword that almost crashed to the ground. She wiped her hair out of her face, "Sorry, Nico. I just wanted to talk to you and see how you were holding up. I was talking with Annabeth and the others yesterday and I wanted to talk to you personally."

Oh, look another harassment of my lifestyle and choices coming right up.

"I'll pass," I said as I began walking to cabin 13 blocking out her complaints. By the time I reached my cabin, Piper resolved to using charmspeak. It was getting harder to ignore her but I made it in my cabin. Unfortunately, so had she. Giving up, I plopped onto the bed and looked up at her expectantly, "Well hurry up and talk. I'm tired." She sat down across from me on the bed and made herself comfortable much to my displeasure.

Lowkey felt kind of bad for intruding on his personal time, but I needed to resolve whatever happened between Annabeth and Nico yesterday. "Alright so Annabeth came to me and told me how she messed up things with you. She didn't really give me any details," that was a lie, "but she did say something about Percy." Now I had already had some suspicions around it. Percy was real close to and cared for the son of Hades. Nico didn't show his emotions so it was kinda hard to tell exactly what he felt, but Annie kinda pushed my suspicion further with her statements.

My thoughts were interrupted by a loud sigh.

"Pipes, I don't feel like talking about Annabeth's assumptions now or later. That's all they are, assumptions. So please just leave me alone with this whole thing. It's quite tiring almost as tiring as dealing with 20 kids."

Rolling his eyes, he put his sword on the nightstand and looked at me waiting for me to leave, but I wasn't going to. If there's one thing about children of Aphrodite, it's that we are determined to get whatever we want whenever we want it. Before I could get up, there was a knock on the wooden door.

"Ugh, come in." Nico laid down nonchalantly closing his eyes. In walked, Percy. Perfect. "Uh, hey am I interrupting something? Chiron told me to come ask Nico if he could fill in for lessons tomorrow, too." Percy's face was beet red as he stared behind me. Turning around, I saw that when Nico laid down his shirt had risen up exposing his lean torso. I smirked a little and kinda was catching onto what Annabeth was talking about. "Tell him I said I'll do it."

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