The Fourth

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A/N: alright so it's been a while. Thanks for the views. Would love some comments but I'm not gonna ask for too much lol. Above is Annabeth. Enjoy :)

Annabeth (shocker ik)
Breakfast went well. The pancakes were fine but my mind was still swarming. Perks of being a child of the goddess of wisdom. I couldn't wrap my head around the idea of how simple it was to get Nico to accept our help so quickly. Yea it was the possibility that he was vulnerable and desperate after losing Ashland, but he was the same when Bianca died and he refused our help. And why Percy out of all of us. Shouldn't he still hate him. Not that I wanted him to, but Nico blames Perce for the whole Bianca thing and clearly didn't like him. Then the thing with Percy teaching him how to care...It's all just so confusing. My headache was increasing by the second and I couldn't take it anymore. Slamming the once cold orange juice on the table, I stood up from the table. The rest of the seven stared up at me in confusion, but at this point I didn't really care.

"I'm going to talk to Nico next." Jason scrunched his eyebrows in as Piped voiced what I knew was running through the others' minds. "Annie, are you sure you wanna be the fourth person..I mean you and Nico never really had anything in common. Maybe Jason could go or we could get Reyna." Unbelievable, just because I didn't have anything in common didn't mean I didn't care for the kid. He was apart of our crew and I wasn't gonna let him get away without some type of care from me. "Do you think I'm not good enough to help Nico?"
Piper's eyes shifted to a light color matching the blush across her face, "N-no! I was just saying that may-" "Alright then."

With that I walked straight to the dark cabin and not even knocking. Now that I think about it, he could've been naked. Thankfully, he was clothed and sleeping so I sat down in a chair next to his bed. His breathing was steady and his once grumpy face was her relaxed. He really owned up to the name Di Angelo (the angel) when he was asleep. I lightly reached out and shook his arm. His hand rose up and rubbed his eyes like a little baby before looking over at me. His brows furrowed and he began to question me.

"Annabeth? Why are you in here? Is everything ok?" I nodded my head, "Just wanted to check in on you. I heard that Percy, Hazel, and Leo got to talk to you and I wanted to, too. How you been?" The questioning look on his face barely faded but he relaxed his shoulders. Taking in a deep breath, he responded, "My arms are a little tender and my side hurts. I guess that's from where I fell. Lungs and breathing is back to normal so I guess that's good." Silence filled the air after the younger demigod finished speaking. The throbbing headache reminded me to get back on topic of why I came here in the beginning.

"Nico... why didn't you close yourself off this time. Not that I'm complaining, but usually you don't let us in. I mean with Bianca you seemed...I don't know hateful towards us. Which I understood. But now it seems you want us. So what's changed." Again, his shoulders tensed back up and his lips stretched into a thin line. "Does it matter," his tone was bitter at this point, "I'm asking for help now even if I didn't in the past." Rolling my eyes I scoffed a little. "Okay, but what Percy magically saves you and now you want to talk to all of us. The same with Leo. I've never even seen you two have a conversation. I mean come on we've all tried to help you, but Percy automatically gets to you just like that."

Nico gripped the sheets around him, "Percy saved my life and told me that'd I would get help from all of you including him. It's not just Percy who I'm trusting here. It's all of you. I'd thought you'd be able to understand that, Ms, Athena."

I could feel my eyes go dark grey as I stared into his once brown, now black ones. He was young, but his looks could kill. "You used to hate him, but you've hugged and trusted him with all your might," I continued still bewildered, "sure friends do that, but are you sure you just see Percy as that. A friend?"

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