The Third

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ok, so the update is late because yo girl was sick for the past few days and literally didn't even feel like moving. anyways, this update will hopefully not be total crap. Above is a pic of Leo and this chapter is hella confusing so if you have any questions please ask. Enjoy.


Nico's body went limp in my hands. It wasn't until his breathing slowed to a regular pace that I realized that he was just sleeping. My pounding heart relaxed, but my grip on him didn't.

"Percy, you'll need to step back so we can stitch and clean him up," Will stepped up and placed a hand on my shoulder. Looking down, the blood from his arms were beginning to cover my arms and shirt. Reluctantly, I pulled Nico out of the bathtub and led him to one of the unoccupied beds. Again, Will placed a hand on my shoulder with a nod, "I'll take care of him." Part of me believed him, but just in case he didn't, I stepped about five inches back while he began to fix Nico. Watching the blood be cleaned up only caused my mind to go back to how we first found him. I immediately wanted to reverse time and be there for him before he did this to himself. That's irrational thinking, I know, but maybe if I went in instead of joking around about Frank...

"Crap. No, no. Come on, Nico." Will began to cut Nico's shirt off and another son of Apollo began to pull out an IV and oxygen. "Will, will! What's wrong? Hey, will." Stepping back to pull his arm back, I look up and see Hazel sitting in a chair frozen. I go over to her and knew that she shouldn't be watching whatever was going on with Nico.

Crouching in front of her, I block her view of Nico, " Hazel, he's gonna be okay. We both know he's strong, right? Don't worry about him. I want you to step outside and I'll get you when he wakes up." She hesitantly looked at me with first of squint of suspicion and then one of trust before walking out of the cabin. Turning around, I see the other kid sticking a needle into Nico's vein and I feel my body shiver. I hated needles.

"Will, what happened. Tell me now." The blonde boy looked up at me with worry in his eyes and again my heart began to pick up the pace. "He's fell into a coma and his breathing isn't evening out so we need to oxygen to him, but we can't wake him up either. Sebastian, take the oxygen mask off, he needs CPR." The darker haired boy nodded his head. Immediately his mouth was on Nico's and I had to physically restrain myself from ripping his head off. Gripping onto a chair, my face turned red.

Why, am I so worried about a random dude giving CPR to Nico. He's literally saving his life and kissing and pounding his bare chest just so happens to be apart of it.

Will must've of noticed my red face because he looked at me with a raised eyebrow, but I looked down as Sebastian continued the second round of CPR on Nico. Now, all the anger/confusion left me as more worry entered. My stomach dropped at the idea that he was on the second round. The second round meant that Nico wasn't receiving the air good enough to breath on his own. Again, Sebastian came up for air looking at Will breathlessly before going back to Nico's mouth.

I had enough. "Will..." He looked up at me with grieving eyes and Sebastian was nearing his last puff of air. My head fell down and my hands went numb around the wooden chair. I told Hazel I would come to get her when he woke up. Now that's just another promise I broke to a child of Hades. The breaths I take just remind me of the ones Nico can't. The sounds around me were far muffled out by now replaced with a low ringing. I could've stopped this. I don't know how, but I could've.

You're so stupid, Percy. Just another cause of a child of Hades death. Oh, who let Hazel down? Percy. Oh, who didn't save Nico? Percy. Percy. Percy. Per-

"Percy! He's breathing!" My head snapped up and I pushed Sebastian out of the way. Don't worry, I'll apologize to him later. All that mattered right now is that my Nico was breathing.

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