The Observations

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Sooooooo the update is late my bad. School and cats have been over taking my life. But I'm back. The pic above is of the beautiful Nico. Thanks so much for the views and comments xxx. Enjoy

Back at breakfast again. Hazel kept forcing me to come so I guess I've gotten accustomed to it. Playing with a waffle, I started thinking about two days ago at the campfire. Percy obviously realized how uncomfortable I was with the whole Will thing, but he didn't force me to eat. Even though it sounds like such a minor problem, eating to me really sucks especially since I went weeks without eating before... anyways.

I appreciated him and it made me realize that maybe he could truly teach me to care like he said he would. For the past few hours though, I've been debating that thought in my head.

Percy is very loyal so I know he wouldn't lie to me for long, but the rest of the seven didn't understand me like he was trying to do. This caused them to annoy the frick out of me and hate being around them.

So even though my trust for Percy was growing, I still chose to stay distant. Which is why I was currently sitting at the Hades table alone glancing at the crew sitting with Jason.

Leo was eating quietly today which was new. Piper and Jason were talking to each other. Frank and Annabeth were looking at a map for a building for Camp Jupiter. Lastly, Percy was trying to get a piece of waffle that he flicked out of her hair. The whole table looked a mess, but one that they knew to be friendly, homely, and welcoming.

My eyes snapped down as I realized I had been staring too long almost like Percy did a few days ago. I turned back to the table and finished a grapefruit on my plate washing it down with water. Before I could get up to head to the arena for practice, Solace sat down in front of me. A loud shatter echoed through the area. This made the seven quiet down, but I overlooked it as Will began talking to me.


Frank and I were talking about building a proper burial site for demigods at the camps. The planning was going well and we were really focused until Percy's glass of water implodes.

Immediately, I looked up to see what happened and was met with a red-faced Percy. He was glaring at the Hades table and looking over I kinda got an idea of what was happening.

"Uh, Percy? You good?" I said trying to distract his attention from Nico and Will. He simply blinked and didn't look away.

Leo started fidgeting again and Frank tried to break the tension, "Hey, don't stare at Nico too long am I right... Ha." Percy glared back at Frank which caused the son of Mars to go silent. Hazel just snickered and patted his back.

At this point, we all knew about Percy's crush and he brought up Nico a lot so we knew that this crush was serious. In no way at all was I questioning his attraction to Nico, but I did notice some.. strange things about the kid.

For one, the only people he actually opened up to were Leo and Hazel.

Secondly, he's uncomfortable around Piper, but that could just be that he doesn't like her ability to charmspeak.

Thirdly, he isn't too fond of me and has an on and off relationship with Percy.

Lastly, besides Hazel for obvious reasons, Jason and Will are the only ones who seem close to Nico. Though this isn't a bad thing, it makes Percy feel really uneasy and inferior.

The rest of the table must've seen me thinking as they were currently staring me down, so I caught them up on my observations. Piper immediately cut in.

"Wait, Nico is scared of me?! If anything I should be scared of him, he's the one that can-"

"Don't talk about him like that," Percy spoke with a protective, deeper voice. One that he had used when his mother was taken from him. Piper closed her mouth and glanced at Nico before nodding her head. It wasn't until then that I noticed Will had left.

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