The Mother

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A/N: okay so yo girl is still sick which is not okay but goods thing is I posted finally 😬😬 don't hate me. I promise I won't leave this story incomplete. This ones interesting. Enjoy:) above is someone special

The day started out pretty normal except for the fact that my hair still looked about Pochanotas length; Drew is definitely going to pay for that. Anyways I didn't go to breakfast because I was at the arena with Leo and Will giving them some sword fighting tips.

"My arm hurttssss," Leo complained. I shook my head and took the sword from his hand, "You've been holding the sword for five minutes, Valdez." Will laughed and placed his sword down replacing it with his bow. I guessed that was a sign that he wanted the practice to end, so I left.

After a quick shower, I was back out from my cabin. Today was my day to take care of the pegasi in the stables...Along with Percy. Since Hazel's birthday party, Percy and I have been "flirting". Well in my book at least. I don't fully understand the concept of 21st century flirting, but I think its what we've been doing.

We talk more. We've gone on walks and the group had a whole beach day where we got to hang out half-naked! It was amazing seeing- nvm. Anyways, I feel things could be looking up for whatever this friendship/relationship thingy is.

"Hey, can you pass me the brush, Blackjack's mane is a little rough." The horse neighed in response and Percy rolled his eyes. I just squinted my eyes and gave him the brush as "horse-dialect" was not in my vocabulary.

Meanwhile, I was combing a new pegasus we found out the camp border. My hand and brush kept getting tangled in the mane and I could tell I was hurting her. She was moving, as a result, causing more tangles and more frustration for the both of us.

Percy gentle finished brushing Blackjack and put his hands on my shoulders as if trying to calm me down. It worked. Instead of jerking the brush, he guided my hand to untangle the knots and comb the hair. Eventually, the job was done.

"Uh, thanks," I said turning around to face him. Percy smiled and shrugged his shoulders before his eyes lit up. "OMG, she would look adorable with a braid in her mane." He rushed over to the pegasus and attempted to braid her hair, but it almost ended in another huge knot.

I stopped him before he could rip out its hair and began to braid it myself. After about two minutes, a perfect French braid draped down the horses back. Percy's jaw dropped.

"I used to watch my mama braid Bianca's hair every day. Then watch Bianca do her own from every day when we got older. I guess that's where I learned it from," I looked up at Percy and his eyes shifted to a calming teal as he stared at me.

He kept staring, "What did I tell you about staring, dummy." He blinked and folded his arms while smirking a little bit.

"Oops. It's just you have so many talents and characteristics that make you.. an amazing person to be around. And it sucks that not everyone is grateful for that, or for you like they should be."

I raised my eyebrow trying to disguise my obvious blush, "You got all of that from me braiding a mane?" He breathed out a chuckle and shook his head, "Let's just say I've been observing it for a while now."


"Why not."

I squinted and pushed past him still trying to get rid of my heated face, "You're very poetic today Mr. Jackson."

"Why thank you, Sir Di Angelo."

Rolling my eyes I began to scoop the poop and replace the hay in the stables. We worked in comfortable silence which gave me time to think. Usually, thinking for me led to bad things, but around him it makes me see things in a better light.

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