The Rookie

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WARNING: POV switches. The plot of the original books does change as this is a fanfiction and I read the books sort of a while ago so I'm kinda rusty on my Di Angelo knowledge. And no, this book will not be about Nico and some random dude. It's percico like I promised. Enjoy :)

The bell rang and the seven began to gather at the camp's entrance. Chiron was already in front of the entrance waiting for the new camper. The seven waited patiently and talked amongst themselves in quiet tones. Leo and Percy joked a little bit. Annabeth and Jason went over the plans again. While the others talked to Chiron. And Nico... Well, he wasn't even there.


Sooo Nico wasn't here and I feel partly guilty after Jason and I caused him to leave his cabin. We just wanted to help. The way he blocks himself off is just mind-blowing. It's almost as if he's asking for help, but denies it everytime we offer it. He's too confusing for my brain, but I'd do anything to get closer to him.

Chiron coughed as we saw a footstep walk through the entrance way. In walked a guy about 6'2. He wore black converse, and black Adidas joggers (not sponsored). His shirt was dark grey and tight. Really tight to where you could see every one of his abs and I wasn't complaining. The blush across Annabeth's face wouldn't disagree with me either. His skin complexion was olive and his eyes were different colors. One was green and the other hazel. Then finally, his hair reached his shoulders and waved in the wind. I felt as though Aphrodite should be his godly parent, but we'll find out soon.

"Welcome to Camp Half-Blood. These are our seven chosen ones. Uh, Nico Di Angelo hasn't shown up, but he'll be here to welcome you anytime now," Chiron said reaching out to shake the dude's hand.

"Thank you, Mr. Chiron. I always thought this place was just a rumor and that I was the only demigod left," the random guy says with a light chuckle. He then directs his attention to us as Jason steps forward and begins introducing us.

"I'm Jason Grace, Son of Jupiter." The guy nods his head with a straight face.

"This is my girlfriend, Piper, Daughter of Aphrodite," and again he nods.

"Leo Valdez is the Son of Hephestus- " " Bad Boy Supreme, actually," Leo intervene with a huge grin. The guy just raises his eyebrow and looks over to Frank.

"Um, I'm Frank, Son of Mars. This is Hazel, Daughter of Pluto." For some strange reason, the guy- I really need to learn his name- smiles a little instead of nodding.

"I'm Annabeth Chase, Daughter of Athena. Welcome to Camp Half-Blood." Again, he's back to his stern nods.

"And I'm Percy Jackson, Son of Poseidon." No reaction at all.

"Well, thank you. I know I'm barging in and going on a quest all of sudden, but I guess you could say my whole life has been a quest. I really appreciate you guys doing this for me, but one question? Where's the Son of Hades?" He looks around fidgeting with a bracelet on his hand.

I look to Chiron hoping he comes up with some type of excuse for the young boy's absent, but he just looks back at me expectingly. Great. "Nico is.. um he isn't feeling good. We could go visit his cabin if you'd like." Yea,I would."

————————Time Skip————————


Yea, I heard the new-comer bell. Did I care? Nope. Should I care? Depends.

That kid probably just heard my name and that I was a demigod and saw a place to stay. He couldn't have known me. There's nothing special about me and I don't necessarily go out to even make "friends." Maybe if I hid he'd go away or let Jason or Percy take him on this sooo important quest.

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