The Trust Fall

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I'm back i think this is the last chapter unless you guys try to kill me for not posting or a cliffhanger. However, I do plan on starting another Percico book soon maybe two so yea. Anyways enjoyyyyyyyyyy xxxx


Those two words made me smile from ear to ear. Literally. I just about got a headache from the way my cheeks closed up eyes and my bottom teeth showed.

I scooped the younger boy into my arms and held him there. Before doing so, I could also see a relaxed grin on his face. It made my heart flutter. We stayed like that for about a minute. Everything felt right. Well, up until my neck started to get wet.

Now I know I was nervous, but I wasn't sweating that hard. I pulled back from Nico and saw him crying. Immediately my smile fell along with my stomach. His eyes didn't look too broken, but I knew he wasn't okay.

I began to replay the kiss and wondering if I was too pushy, harsh, or overpowering. Instantly apologies started to leave my mouth, but he shook his head causing me to become quiet and wait for the retaliation. However, there was none.

"Perce, I want to trust you, but I need you to trust me-"

"I do trust yo-" He held up his hand and I took that as a sign not to interrupt and let him continue.

"There's something I need to tell you in order for you to trust me. I can't lie to you."

"Neeks, you're scaring me. Please just tell me before I pass out."

He slightly chuckled and stood up while wiping away some of his stray tears. My eyes followed him as he turned and began walking to the bathroom. Maybe it was the wrong time to notice, but he had a lean, almost strong female-ish body. However, he still has boyish features. His muscles were small but defined. His hips were wider than the average teen boy, but I wasn't complaining. And his butt wasn't too bad on the eyes if I do say so myself.


Anyways, he waved me over and I hopped up and came to his side. He had a slight hesitation in his steps as he stood in the doorway. Eventually, he walked in and I followed behind him. I raised my eyebrow as if to question what we were doing in his bathroom. He seemed to get it and bent down.

His hands went to the mat in front of the sink. He lifted it up and pulled out something and held it in his hands gently. The only thing I saw was something shiny and it instantly caught my attention.

He grabbed my hand with his open one and led me back to the floor where we were previously sitting. I waited patiently but my hyperactive mind was getting the best of me, so I started tapping my hand on my foot and biting my lip.

Nico reached out and grabbed my hand again. This time I met his brown eyes until they shifted to his closed hands. I watched as his fingers slowly opened and showed a razor blade.

My eyes widened and I snatched it - carefully- out of his hand. His head went down a little bit and he glanced up at me through his lashes.

"Why do you still have this? I thought we got rid of it and said you wouldn't do it anymore!"

Nico began to furiously shake his head, "I didn't do it! I swear. I just...I just wanted to know that if I ever needed it again then I'd know where to get one." By the end of his sentence, his voice was so little, my heart broke.


Percy took in a huge sigh. He turned Nico's hand to where his forearm was face up showing off all his battle wounds and cuts. The insecurity rolled off of Nico, but Percy held tight onto his hand mentally reassuring him that it was nothing to be ashamed of.

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