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Louis follows the crying noise through the woods, zig-zagging through trees and bushes. He hears Harry behind him, who keeps a distance between them. The omega ignores the alphas concerns that it could be a trap and they don't know who it is.

Louis doesn't care. He just wants to find the source, because maybe that someone needs help.

Because Louis doesn't know the woods yet, and he ignores Harry as he tells him through mind to be careful, because there is a--

The omega doesn't hear the warning for the small hill going down. So as he jumps over a bush, he lands weirdly and rolls down the hill.

As he stops rolling and gets up, shaking the dirt and grass out of his fur, he notices that the crying has stopped. Louis looks up to see a girl, maybe 8 years old, sitting at a tree. Her cheeks are tear stained and she hugs a doll to her chest as she stares wide eyed at the wolf. She is definitely scared of the big animal in front of her and Louis feels that.

The omega immediately lays flat on his stomach. He starts to slowly crawl towards the girl, that is watching him carefully.

Louis stops next to her, gently pressing his nose into her thigh. The girl giggles. The wolf takes that as a sign she is okay with his presence so he bends his paws and tucks them under his upper body to put his head onto her legs.

"Can I pet you?" the girl asks and Louis looks up with his blue eyes. Then he rubs his head against her chest, hoping she gets his yes.

And she does. The girl giggles again and starts to pet the head of the wolf.

"I'm gonna call you Blue." she says sounding happy and like the little kid she is. "You know why? Because you have beautiful blue eyes." Louis looks up, licking the girls chin, making her giggle once again.

But Louis jumps up as he hears some rustling behind a bush. He steps infront of the girl and growls at the bush.

The omega sits down next to the girl as he recognizes the scent and Harry steps into few.

He is human so he can talk with the girl and help her to find her parents.

"Hi darling, what's your name?" Harry asks, coming closer to the girl.

The girl hides behind Louis, fisting his fur, but not hurting the wolf.

"I'm Harry." he introduces himself and kneels down.

"'M Annabel." the girl says shyly.

"That's a beautiful name. Where are your parents?" Harry asks further.

Louis lays back down, hoping the girl gets that she can trust Harry.

"I don't know. I lost them." she explains quiet, sniffling as she tears up again.

Louis holds his nose against her cheek until Annabel smiles.

"Why don't we go and look for them? I bet our friend here" Harry motions to Louis with his head "can show us the way."

Annabel nods as Louis gets up. The girl has still her hands in the fur of the wolf.

"Is he your dog?" she asks, brown eyes looking up at Harry, who ruffles through Louis fur.

"No darling." Harry chuckles. "He doesn't have an owner. He is a wolf."

The girl makes wide eyes, letting her hand fall off the fur. Louis looks at Harry, growling slightly.

Why did he have to tell her? He could have lied. And he isn't a fan of being ruffled through the fur or his hair.

"Don't worry. I bet you already figured that he is friendly."

The Bet - L.S. (Omega!Louis Alpha!Harry) ✔Where stories live. Discover now