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This chapter is dedicated to butterfly286 because she made a very true comment on the last chapter and yea☺



Louis wakes up due to the sun shining in his face and gentle fingers running up and down his arm. He blinks a few times to adjust to the light, but as he does he finds himself snuggled onto Harrys chest.

"Good morning, cub." Harry says quiet. His voice isn't raspy or anything, showing Louis he is awake for a while. "You drooled on me, by the way."

Louis sits up, seeing indeed a wet spot on Harrys shirt where his head was. He looks at Harry shocked and with red cheeks.

"Why didn't you wake me?" he asks shocked.

Harry chuckles. "I tried, but you hit me."

"What?!" Louis shrieks.

Harry grins wide. "Kidding."

Louis hits Harrys shoulder. "You fucking... You deserve my spit on your shirt!"

Harry laughs before pulling Louis back down. The omegas head fits perfectly under Harry's chin.

"I'm still mad at your for the bet." Louis clarifies as he snuggles further under the alphas chin.

"I wouldn't think any different." Harry says with a fond smile.

Louis moves his head so his chin is on Harrys chest and he can look at the alpha. He frowns at him. "You told your parents about Stan." It's more a statement than a question.

Harry looks at the ceiling and sighs. "I did, sorry. I know it's not my place to tell them."

Louis shakes his head. "No, I'm hapoy you did, because your concerns yesterday were right." Now Harry frowns and looks at Louis. "Stan found me at the lake and tried to bring me to submit to him, what I didn't. He obviously wasn't happy about that so he wanted to attack me, but the Alpha stopped him and banned him from that territory." Louis explains.

"Dad banned Stan from the pack?" he asks surprised, earning a nod from the omega.

"And you told them about the bet." This time Louis voice is quiet and he doesn't look into Harrys eyes.

"I did." he breathes.


Now Harrys eyes find Louis. The alpha sits up, forcing Louis to sit up as well. Harry leans against the headboard, Louis sits cross legged next to the green eyed lads knees.

"I wanted to make something right. I know the bet was stupid and I shouldn't have agreed to it in the first place." Harry looks down at his hands. Louis never saw Harry that nervous and vulnerable.

The omega sighs. "What you did was fucked up, yes, but I really hope you learned from that mistake." Harry nods. "You know, the Luna said I should remeber that you didn't know me back then, but that's not a valid excuse." Louis takes a deep breath. "Just because you don't know someone, doesn't mean it's fine to make bets with your friends over them."

It's Harrys turn to take a deep breath. "I'm truly sorry." he says, looking into Louis' blue eyes. "What can I do that you forgive me?" he asks timidly.

Louis bites his lip and shrugs, before looking at the mattress. "I actually think I already forgave you." he mumbles. "You know, I talked to Sophie yesterday and how she figured out my dad is her soulmate and..." Louis shrugs again, looking at Harry without continuing that sentence.

The Bet - L.S. (Omega!Louis Alpha!Harry) ✔Where stories live. Discover now