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It's monday morning. Louis spend the whole saturday playing with Charlotte, the other kids in the house -like Max, her brother- and even Harry. After spending basically the whole day with Harry Louis has to admit that he isn't that bad. He can be fun, but still annoying.

Sunday was spend doing homework and helping Jay in the house.

Now Louis and Niall sit in their first class, waiting for the teacher who is ten minutes late. If the teacher isn't here in the next five minutes one of the students, probably a beta, will go and ask in the office.

"So what are we doing if the teacher isn't coming?" Michael suddenly pulls his chair towards Niall and Louis' desk, sitting next to Louis.

"How about we sleep?" Liam sits suddenly next to Niall.

"Boring!" Michael and Louis exclaim at the same time. They smile at each other and high five.

"What happens when the teacher isn't coming?" Louis asks. "In my old school we had to go to the cafeteria and stay quiet." he explains.

"We don't really have a rule what we are supposed to do." Michael says shrugging.

"But we all stay in the classroom, usually." Niall says, hoping his friend doesn't plan anything stupid.

"Ugh! So boring." Louis says just as two beta girls stand up.

"They probably go and ask for the teacher." Niall says, earning agreeing nods from the others.

"So I have an idea if the teacher isn't coming." Louis says smiling. That's gonna be good.


"So we run from here to Liam and then we see who rolls the farthest on the chair." Louis explains, sitting backwards on one of those rolling chairs. He points at Liam, standing two doors away.

"You sure that's a good idea?" Niall asks, next to Louis. He sits on a rolling chair as well, just like Louis.

The only difference is, he looks reall really nervous.

"Come one, Horan!" Michael, next to Niall, says. "Don't ruin all the fun. If you're scared, you can go back to the others and be boring."

Niall puffs and rolls his eyes. "I'm not scared!" he claims, crossing his arms.

"Well, then let us do this." Louis says, clapping his hands. Then he gets off the chair, hands on the back rest. Michael and Niall do the same.

"Are you ready?" Liam shouts over to them.

They all nod and Liam yells 'Go!'. The three omegas start to push the chairs. Michael is the first to reach Liam and jumps on his chair. Louis is second and Niall third.

Everyone is laughing as Niall suggests that two sit on the chairs and the other two push them. The other three agree in an instand and so it starts. The race back and force the hallway. Louis and Michael against Niall and Liam.


"One last time, then we should leave before some teacher comes and sees us." Liam informs and the others agree.

"Louis versus Niall?" Michael proposes and again, everyone agrees.

"Ready?" Louis asks Niall, who sits down on the chair next to Louis. The blond omega nods his head smiling. "Ready. Set. GO!" Louis shouts and Michael and Liam start to push the omegas through the hallway.

They are about to pass a classroom door -there weren't any complains surprisingly- as four familiar alphas step into the hallway.

"Stop!" Louis and Niall exclaim at the same time, but too late. Liam and Michael let go of the chairs and both omegas are now rolling towards the four alphas, too shocked to stop the chairs themself.

The Bet - L.S. (Omega!Louis Alpha!Harry) ✔Where stories live. Discover now