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"Mate me, Harry."

The alpha looks shocked at the omega. "W-what?" he asks frowning.

Louis moves so he is straddling Harry, hands on his shoulders as he moves his head to the side, inviting Harry to mark him. "Bite me. Make me yours." Louis nearly whines.

Harry growls at the sight, his inner alpha wanting nothing more than to lean forward and break the skin. But he shakes his head, only planting a kiss on the mating spot before taking the omegas face into his hands. He gently moves Louis' head so he is looking straight at Harry.

"I can't do that, love." he says. Tears spring to Louis' eyes once again as he asks why. Harry pushes some hair back that fell into the blue eyes. "Because you are shocked, you are very vulnerable right now." he explains.

"N-no, no no. Please, Harry, please!" Louis pleads not caring that he acts like some desperate omega. Well, he kinda is. "Please, please, please." Harry shakes his head. "Please, Alpha."

Harry's eyes turn dark red for a moment, but with a shake of his head he is controlled again. He get's up, Louis in his arms, legs wrapped around his waist and arms around his neck. "I bring you home, where you get some rest and after that we talk."

Louis shakes his head. "Don't leave me."

Harry cooes, smiling fondly and sad at the same time at Louis. "I'm not going to leave you, cub." he promises. He throws a glance to Niall, who is watching the scene with sad eyes.

"Will he be fine?" the blonde omega asks sounding scared for his friend.

Harry gives him a small smile and nods. "Yes, I think so. Thank you for getting me, Niall."

They both turn to walk to the Malik-Tomlinson house. Louis is so exhausted from all the stress that he falls asleep in Harry's arms only a minute after they started walking.

Niall looks at the sleeping omega, biting his lip. "Will you do it if he asks you when he is calmed down?" he asks, voice low to not wake Louis.

Harry looks at Louis and then at Niall, shaking his head. "Don't get me wrong, I really want to, but not after that." he says truthfully.

"It will crush him." Niall mumbles and Harry nods.

"I will figure something out." the alpha says nodding to himself.


Harry lays Louis down gently. They are at their house and Harry wants Louis to get some rest. As he is about to move away, Louis whines and opens his eyes.

"Don't go." he pleads, eyes looking sad and desperate at the alpha.

Harry runs a gentle hand through Louis' hair. "I just want to get your tea, love." he explains calm.

Louis shakes his head wildly, grabbing Harry's hand and holding tight. Well, as tight as an emotinally and physically exhausted omega can. "No, don't go." he whines. "Please stay. I don't wanna be alone. Please, Harry, Alpha, please don't leave me."

The alpha kneels down and looks into those hurt blue eyes. He sighs. "I'm gonna be away for two minutes, max." he explains calmly. Louis shakes his head again, really not wanting Harry to leave him. "Okay." Harry gives in with a long exhale of air. Who is he to say no to those scared eyes? "We both go down and you make yourself comfy on the couch while I grab the tea Niall already prepared for you. We can watch a movie or summat."

Louis thinks for a moment before he nods in agreement. He holds his hands out for Harry and makes big puppy-dog eyes. Harry chuckles as he lifts Louis up bridal style. The omega burries his face in Harry's neck immediately. He starts to nibble on the skin there, still wanting Harry to mate him. Harry growls warningly, making Louis stop successfully. The alpha plants a kiss on his brown Hair. Now the blue eyed boy just hides his face there, breathing in Harry's musky alpha scent. That scent calms him down in an instant.

The Bet - L.S. (Omega!Louis Alpha!Harry) ✔Where stories live. Discover now