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Louis unlocks the front door. He takes off his shoes and puts his bag down before making his way towards the kitchen, where his mother is. He greets her with a kiss to her cheek, making her smile.

"How was your day, honey?" Jay asks as she turns on the oven.

Louis, just like the day before, gets a bottle of water and sits down on top of the table.

"It was good, surprisingly." He sees the disapproving look from his mom and slides down from the table, going to lean against the counter instead. Jay and Louis' shoulders are touching.

"How comes the surprisingly?" she asks, looking at her son. They are around the same height.

"Because an old friend is going to that very school." Jay frowns as Louis smiles at her. "No one else than Ashton Fletcher Irwin."

The female omegas eyes light up. "No way!" Louis laughs at that reaction and nods.

"Yes! I couldn't believe it either, but it's him." Jay pulls her son into a hug that Louis returns immediately.

"Can I join or is that a private, mother and son cuddle moment?" Louis and Jay seperate at Yasars voice. The younger omega didn't know his stepdad is home.

"It's, uhm, nothing. Just happy to have my mom." Louis lies, getting a sceptical look from the alpha.

"So why are you home already? Class hasn't finished just yet." The omega boy bites his lip.

"Well, uh, we had a test today and, uhm, who finished was allowed to go. Harry and I finished so I could go." He smiles innocently and hopes Yasar believes him.

He doesn't, because he knows Mr Berk and he knows that the alpha teacher would never let students go early. Nevertheless Yasar nods and pretends he believes his stepson.

"Anyways, I'm gonna head upstairs. Doing homework and stuff." With that Louis leaves the kitchen and takes his bag to go to his room.


"Seriously, why does he interpret my words so wrong?" Harry asks as he, Zayn and Niall walk home from school. Part of their school way is the same, but at a certain point they have to part ways. "It's really frustrating and I need to breathe deep to not go all alpha on him. I know that omegas like him hate to be talked to in the alpha voice."

"You wanna give up?" Zayn asks teasingly, wiggling his eyebrows.

Harry puffs. "As if! I'm gonna win."

Niall frowns at the conversation. He understands why he gets frustrated with Louis not listening to him or understanding him wrong, but what will he win?

"What are you talking about?" Niall asks and by the look of both alphas he knows it's nothing he will be happy about. "What is it?" he asks this time with a little more pressure in his voice. He won't growl. He never growls.

"We bet if Harry will be able to bring Louis to be obedient towards him out of s/d class." Zayn explains, not wanting to lie to his boyfriend.

"You did what?!" the omega exclaims shocked. "You can't do that! You can't just play with him like that!" he complains.

The alphas exchange a look, knowing their omega friend is right, but well... They started it and they will finish it.

Zayn stops and puts his hands on Nialls shoulders. "You are not going to tell Louis, understood?" he asks stern.

Niall bites his lip. He wants to tell the other omega, because he really likes him, but Zayn is his alpha...

So Niall nods. "Use words, baby." Zayn says gently. Both, him and Harry want from their omega to reply verbally.

The Bet - L.S. (Omega!Louis Alpha!Harry) ✔Where stories live. Discover now