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So do you remember how I said the story is coming to an end soon, like a hundred chapters ago? Well, the next one will be the last and then the epilogue, so yea...

I hope you enjoy that chapter and see you for the next one😘


"Bye love, see you soon." Louis says, kissing Charlotte's cheek as Jay waits for him in the car.

"Come to play with me soon." the girl mumbles into Louis' shoulder as she hugs him.

"I will." the omega assures before standing back up. He looks at Harry and scratches the back of his head. "Uhm, thanks for tonight. And the tea this morning." he says.

Harry smiles before pulling Louis into a hug, kissing his temple. "It's nothing. I would do it again any time." he says, making Louis smile a little.

"Come, Lou." Jay says from the car. "The girls are waiting." Louis nods and turns to walk to the car, but after the first two steps he took he turns around, running to Harry to peck his cheek before hurrying into the car.

The female omega starts driving as soon as Louis buckled up and pulled his knees up, arms wrapped around his legs.

"So what's up with you two?" Jay asks out of nowhere, eyes fixed on the street.

Louis looks at her wide eyed and shocked. "W-what do you mean?" he asks.

"Lou, I am you mother and I know you very well." she claims and Louis sighs.

"How did you figure?" he asks and tries to avoid his mothers question. He doesn't know how she will react if he tells her.

"So something did happen." she states. "I wasn't a hundred percent sure, but the few times I saw you together you always somehow touched. You always smiled, stealing glances at each other. Not yesterday though. You acted as if you two are fine, but I was confused, because you were on opposite sides of our garden. You would both look at each other secretly and when your eyes met, you immediately looked away. Harry kept looking. There was and still is this hesitation in both of your eyes and this kinda sadness. And also this longing as if both of you just want to touch the other, but something stops you." Louis looks shocked as Jay tells him that. He looks at his mom, while she looks at the street. "So what happened?" she asks again.

Louis sighs, looking out of the window. "He and Zayn did a bet, wether or not Harry can bring me to submit to him." he tells her in a low voice.

"They what?!" The femal omega hits the breaks, causing Louis to fly forward, but he is quick to stop himself with his hands from crashing onto the dashboard.

Jay looks at her son shocked. "Who's idea was it?" she asks.

"Zayns." Louis simply answers, not looking at his mother. "Did they apologize?" she asks, turning the car fully off.

Louis nods. "Yea, both."

Jay tilts her head. "Do you forgive them?"

The omega shrugs. "I guess. I think I couldn't stay away from Harry any longer. Physically and emotionally." he says frowning.

His mom smiles at him fondly. "You know, Sophie told me that you asked her about soulmates." she says, bringing Louis to look at her. "You think Harry is your soulmate?" she asks, even though she is pretty sure she knows the answer already.

Louis shrugs once again. "I don't know." he mumbles unsure, biting his lip.

Jay sighs. "I don't know if that's a common thing, but for me at least." she starts. "I never thought about your dad maybe being my soulmate once. I loved him, yea, but not like I love Yasar now. Not this 'soulmate-love'. Your dad said the same." Louis frowns a little not sure what his mom wants to tell him. "Did you ever think about Stan being your soulmate? At the beginning, when you had a good relationship?"

The Bet - L.S. (Omega!Louis Alpha!Harry) ✔Where stories live. Discover now