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Huge thanks to lush_stylinson for writing this great smut/mating scene! I love it and I'm sure everyone else will too☺

Enjoy the part you all've been waiting for😄


Louis’ POV

As I lay here with Harry thinking of all I have been through, it makes me want to cry. Not tears of sadness, but tears of joy. All that I have gone trough has lead me to the most wonderful Alpha, Harry Styles. He was a breath of fresh air in my stale world. He brought me out of my darkness and into his light. I will be forever grateful to him. He saved me. In more ways than one.

It’s finally time. I never thought I would ever find myself here, but here I am about to be mated to the best man I know. My Alpha, Harry. I love him so much. I have waited for this moment for so long, practically begging for it at one point.

My family is so happy that Harry didn’t give up on me. Even though it was through such negativity we were brought together, the outcome is positive. I will finally have a mate. Someone was finally able to break through the wall I had around my heart. I put him through hell but he never gave up. Bet or not, anyone else would have run away, but he saw something in me. And one day, I realized I saw something in him to.


“You are so beautiful Lou,’ Harry said as he sat beside Louis on the blankets and pulled him to straddle his lap.

“Thank you, Alpha,” he said with a shy smile and tucked his face in Harry's neck breathing in his scent. Harry began to run his hands up and down Louis’ back. Louis gripped tightly onto Harry and held him as close as he could.

“Kiss me,” Harry whispered into Louis’ ear.

Louis looked up at Harry and brought their lips into a loving kiss. Harry deepened the kiss and brought his hands under Louis’ shirt. He broke the kiss and slid his shirt over his head, and took his own off as well.

“Baby,” Harry said. “If I do anything you are uncomfortable with, I want you to stop me,” Harry said with sincerity.

“I trust you with my life, Harry. I give myself to you. I know you will not harm me Alpha. I love you,” Louis said as his eyes began to glisten with tears.

Harry growled low in his throat and Louis submitted. Harry began to lick and kiss at his neck while grinding their crotches together.

“Alpha,” Louis keened high in his throat at the wonderful sensation. He was fully hard now and slick had began pouring from his hole, soaking his panties that he wore just for Harry. “Alpha, please.” Louis said as Harry continued his assault on his neck, lightly grazing his teeth over the bonding mark.

“Shhh little love. I’ve got you,” Harry said as he layed Louis down on his back.

He slipped his hand into the band of Louis’ leggings and began to pull them down.

“Fuck,” Harry growled out as he saw the pink lace panties covering Louis’ most intimate parts. “Baby, so beautiful. So beautiful.” he said as he began to palm Louis through the beautiful lace and place soft kisses on his neck once again. Slowly and torturously, he moved down Louis’ chest to his nipples.

“Ah, Alpha. So good my Alpha. Your tongue feels so good," Louis cried out as Harry licked, sucked and bit on is nipples. When he pulled away, they were both puffy and swollen.

The Bet - L.S. (Omega!Louis Alpha!Harry) ✔Where stories live. Discover now