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It's tuesday and lunch time as Louis sips on his water from his water bottle. He and Niall were the first in the huge cafeteria, because their teacher let them go early due to an appointment of his.

"What do you think we will do today?" Niall asks smiling while eating his pasta he bought here. Louis isn't and never was a fan of school food so he brings his own. Most of the time sandwiches or leftovers from dinner the day before.

"No idea, but I know I probably won't do it." the brunette omega claims shrugging, biting in his sandwich. Ham, salad, egg and some remoulade sauce. Simple, but good.

"Why do you have such big trouble listening to an alpha?" Niall blurts out. Zayn told him and Harry yesterday that Louis isn't listening to any alpha. No matter if the alpha uses his alpha voice or not. The only person Louis listens to is his mom, another omega.

Louis bites his lips as he feels annoyance creeps into him. "Non of your buisness, Niall." he says through gritted teeth.

"Hey!" Zayn and Harry sit down, the latter one across from Louis, the other one next to Niall. Nevertheless the raven haired lad looks at Louis warningly. "Don't you dare talk to Niall like that." the alpha says, managing to stop himself from growling.

"It's okay, Z." Niall tries to calm Zayn down, by putting a hand onto his knee.

"No!" the alpha argues. "He has no right talking to you like that. No matter what."

Louis feels anger bubbling up inside of him. "I'm sorry, Your Highness," he mocks his step brother. "but I don't like to talk about fucking personal stuff with people I know for fucking one day!" he yells, ignoring the looks towards the table.

"Louis, calm down. Zayn didn't--"

"Just shut up, Harold!" he growls at the other alpha.

"Don't talk to me like that, Louis." Harry warns, eyes turning slightly red.

"I talk to you as I please. You may be an alpha, but I have my own will and you are not my alpha." Louis gets up, taking his stuff and turns to leave the cafeteria.

"Louis!" Harry calls after him, standing up to follow him, but he gets held back by Zayn.

He shakes his head. "Let him cool off." Harry groans annoyed and slumps back down before starting to eat.

He definitely needs a plan to win the bet with Zayn. And he already has an idea, he only needs to fine tune it a little and organize everything. The omega will be obedient sooner than Zayn can name all the planets in their solar system.


Louis walks angry outside of the school building. He hates when people try to snoop around in his private life, in his past. It's no business of no one.

He stops and frowns at the scent that is hitting his nose. The omega knows that smell. He smelled it so many times before. Only good memories are connected with that scent.

"If that isn't Louis William Tomlinson himself." The addressed omega turns around wide eyed.

A smile creeps on his face as his thoughts turn out to be true.

"No fucking way!" he exclaims, running towards the alpha and jumping into his arms.

The alpha catches the omega and starts to laugh as he turns around himself with Louis in his arms.

"What are you doing here?" Louis asks as he gets put down again.

"I live here. For a few years now." the alpha answers just as bright smiling as the omega. "What are you doing here though?"

The Bet - L.S. (Omega!Louis Alpha!Harry) ✔Where stories live. Discover now