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"You should really stop doing that." Harry notes, making Louis frown. "Biting your lip."

The omega releases his lip immediately. "Why?" he asks still frowning.

"Because it just makes me want to kiss you even more." Harry whispers, eyes flickering back and forth between the blue eyes and the thin lips until they stay on the latter.

"Then why don't you do it?" Louis asks in the same whisper tone Harry used, eyes flickering to the alphas lips as well before they both lock eyes.

Harry steps closer so their chests are nearly touching. He cups Louis cheeks before leaning down and connecting their lips in a gentle kiss. The omega steps closer, arms wrapping around Harrys neck as they are now chest to chest.

They keep the kiss very innocent, due to the soon full moon that will rise in a few moments. As they part, their lips stay close, feeling the breath from each other.

"You don't know how badly I wanted to do this again after friday." Harry mumbles, pecking Louis' lips, making the omega smile as he looks up into the green eyes.


They step away from each other as they hear howls and just a moment later the both boys are in their wolf form. It happens fast and painless that their bones and blood vessels arrange themself new to the wolf form. The first time transforming is the most painful transformation, it gets better everytime they do it.

Harry nods with his head towards the front of ths house and Louis follows.

The sight in front of the Alpha's house is amazing. Wolves everywhere, play fighting or just sitting or walking around. Some seem to have private conversations, the perks of being mated. If you mate with someone, you have your own mind link, meaning no one except your mate can hear you. Louis and every other unmated wolf can only talk through a general mind link, that everyone near can hear.

Harry stops infront of the main entrance of the house. He turns to Louis. "Wait." The omega nods understanding and sits down, continuing to scan over the wolves.


Just half an hour later Harry led Louis to the small lake where Nick pushed Louis into the water.

Louis tilts his head slightly confused. "You showed me that lake before." he points out, getting a simple look from Harry just to follow him. It looks rather funny to Louis, because the alpha has a bundle of blankets tied together in his mouth.

Louis follows Harry, noting the glances the alpha wolf throws around. He is just cautious, just in case something would happen so Louis wouldn't be able to follow him.

Harry stops next to the small hill where the waterfall runs down. He turns to look at Louis. "Stay close behind me and close to the stone wall." he says in their mind. Louis nods understanding as Harry turns back around.

He steps through a bush that's close to the edge towards the water. Louis follows carefully, not knowing what the younger wolf has planned. Harry could murder Louis right now and probably no one would find him.

But just a moment later Louis steps into a cave. Stone walls on three sides and the fourth is the waterfall. Water is gently splashing inside the cave, but not that much that it floods the ground. The omega is definitely amazed. Especially at the magic like glow that gives the full moon shining through the wall of water.

Louis' eyes land on Harry, who is watching him, the bundle of blankets in front if his paws.

"That's beautiful." Louis simply says as he walks over to the other wolf.

The Bet - L.S. (Omega!Louis Alpha!Harry) ✔Where stories live. Discover now