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Sorry, there won't be that much (to nothing) about Louis' past in this chapter, but the next one! (I think😅)

Love you guys😘


"Where is my hug, pup? You're not excited to see me?"

Louis' breathing gets heavy as he turns around and sees the guy he hoped to never see again.

The guy has a smirk on his face as he opens his arms for Louis to hug him. The omega steps back, Lottie, Fizzy and Eleanour stepping back as well. They don't know what happened. Louis' sisters don't know because they are too young for that and Louis didn't want to scare them. Eleanor doesn't know, because Louis was never brave enough to tell her.

"You used to look more excited to see me." the alpha says, sounding so fake nice Louis could vomit.

"W-what are you doing here?" the omega manages to get out.

"Playing football, silly." He smiles, but then his eyes turn red. "Now hug me." he says with a growl only the people standing close could hear.

Louis whimpers and ducks his head. He actually thinks about obeying, but then his nose is filled with a scent he finds himself really liking now. A gentle hand is placed on the small of his back, the omega melting at the gentle gesture.

"What is going on, Stan?" Harry asks, eyes narrowed. He has a bad feeling with the boy in front of him.

"Harold." Stans eyes move to the alpha, scanning how he has his hand on Louis' back. That doesn't make him happy at all. "I see you found out what a little slut this one is. Did he treat you well? If not, use your voice and he is used to beating if he isn't a good omega."

Harry feels Louis shake and hears him whimper as the omega hears those words from Stan. The green eyed boy turns to Lottie, Fizzy and Eleanor.

"Could you bring them away? Take Louis with you." Eleanor nods, sensing that it's better for the younger girls to leave and same for their brother.

The female alpha takes Louis hand and leads him and the girls away from the two alphas.

Harry turns back to glare at Stan, eyes a deep red now. "So you are the fucking alpha who thought it'd be fine to force Louis to have sex." It's not a question to Harry, by the omegas reaction he knows he is. "I never liked you at the pack leader meetings and now I know why."

Stan laughs, crossing his arms lazily. "Oh come on, Harry. Don't tell me you never used your alpha voice to get your way with a hot omega. I bet you even used it to get Louis, because he isn't that obedient."

Harry is right in front of the slightly smaller alpha now, hands gripping his shirt tightly as his fangs form and his claws grow.

"I would never do that to an omega, you sick bastard." he growls. "I swear to god, if you even look at Louis while you're here, I won't hesitate to ban you from my territory immediately."

Harry sees fear flash through those heartless eyes, but it's gone as fast as it came. Instead the alpha smirks.

"You like him, Styles." Stan observes. "If you want I can give you tips how to bring him to submit. And I can tell you how it's the most fun to fuck--"

Stan gets interrupted by Harrys fist connecting to his jaw. The alpha is breathing heavy as he stares at the bastard who tumbled backwards, tripping over a small stone step that parts the parking lot and the grass. Stan is now laying on the grass, gripping his jaw.

The Bet - L.S. (Omega!Louis Alpha!Harry) ✔Where stories live. Discover now