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"When do you think was the appropriate time to tell me that you and Harry are dating?" Niall runs into the kitchen after Louis went there and Harry entered the living room, where everyone else is.

Louis jumps at the voice as he gets some water. He turns to face Niall, blushing furiously. "Who told you?" he asks shyly.

"Fizzy and Lottie claimed how cute you are and I mean, when the Alpha's son has a boyfriend, words finds it's way around." the irish lad explains.

Louis leans against the counter, looking at the ground. "It wasn't even real." he mumbles. He doesn't want to lie to Niall so he just tells the blonde the truth.

"What?" Niall is seemingly confused as he watches his friend.

"Yea, I told him I would help him with his parents when they get too annoying about this whole relationship thing." He looks back up and shrugs looking at the blonde omega. "So he asked me before full moon and I agreed."

Niall doesn't know what to say. His friend and his boyfriends best friend fake-date?

"So you have a fake relationship going on with Harry?" he asks.

Louis blushs and bites his lip. "Well, not anymore." he says quiet.

"Not anymore? What do you--" His eyes get wide as he realizes what that could mean. "Did he fake-break up with you?" Niall asks shocked, making Louis chuckle and shake his head.

"No." he says. "Quite the opposite actually. He asked me to he his boyfriend for real."

Louis jumps as Nial screams 'What?!' as if he just found out he moves back to Ireland for good.

In only five seconds everyone is in the kitchen. Zayn running to Niall, looking very worried at his boyfriend who just stares at Louis with an open mouth.

The others see the whole picture. A shocked looking Niall -positive shocked- and a wide eyed Louis who has a tight grip on the shirt over his heart, trying to calm his heartbeat.

"What's wrong, baby?" Zayn asks frowning.

Niall just opened his mouth only to close it again, looking for words. Harry seems to figure out what's going on. So he looks amused at Louis. "You told him, huh?"

The blue eyed omega blushes and nods, biting his lip. Harry goes to stand next to him.

"Told him what?" Lottie asks frowning.

"Okay, maybe we should explain something so everyone is up to date?" Harry suggests and motions towards the living room.


Louis leaves his first class after the bell rang just to be greeted by Harry. He frowns, but smiles as the alpha pushes himself off the wall of lockers he leaned against to walk to him.

"What are you doing here?" Louis asks suspicious as Harry gives a quick peck to the omegas forehead.

"I bring you to your next class." Harry tells him as he takes Louis' hand and starts walking towards his next class.

"I can find my way around. You don't have to do this." Louis claims still confused to why Harry is doing this.

"I know, it's more for me." Louis' frown deepens. "It's for me to be sure that Stan isn't bothering you."

As Harry mentions Stan, Louis stiffens and falters in his steps before trying to act normal so Harry won't notice. He did though.

"Why? I can defend myself." Louis says a little too defensive after swallowing a lump in his throat.

The Bet - L.S. (Omega!Louis Alpha!Harry) ✔Where stories live. Discover now