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For S/D the class found itself on the football field. They stand in a half circle around Mr. Berk waiting for him to explain what's going on.

"It is the first year that our school has a partner school." the teacher starts. "Next weekend the school will come and visit us. To start off that friendship between our two schools we will have a football match next saturday." Louis brightens up immediately.

"Someone seems excited." Harry say quietly so Berk doesn't hear him.

Louis just nods. He absolutely loves football. He used to play it all the time with his sisters. They weren't that good, but it was still fun.

"For that we need to train." Berk continues. "We will start tomorrow, because non of you has sport clothes with them, right?" Obviously he is right. "For now you can go home. Don't forget sport clothes for tomorrow. You are dismissed."

The students cheer happily. No one complains about going 90 minutes earlier.

"You going home?" Harry asks Louis.

The omega shakes his head. "Nah, I'm gonna let my wolf run a little. Haven't done it in a while." he says.

"Mind if I join?" Louis looks surprised, but shrugs.

"If you want." Harry smiles and so does Louis.

"Zayn?" The alpha turns around to his friend, who is talking with Niall. He looks up as he hears his name. "You going home?"

Zayn and Niall walk over to their friends. "We sure do." Zayn winks and Niall blushes.

"Can you take Louis' and mine bags with you? We gonna go for a run." Zayn wiggles his eyebrows, earning an elbow to his ribs from Niall.

"Sure." the raven haired boy says, glaring at his boyfriend for a moments. "Have fun." He smiles at his friend and his step brother. "Not too much though."

Louis rolls his eyes and giving his bag to Niall, who takes it with a smile. "Fuck off, Zayn." he says glaring.

"Was just a joke." Zayn says smiling, holding his hands up in defense. Louis just rolls his eyes, but smiles too. He obviously knows it's just a joke.

"Styles!" All four boys look to the direction the voice was coming from. Louis recognizes the alpha who attacked him his first day at school and later in the forest. Was is Jason?

Harry sighs and looks at his friends. "Be right back." And with that he walks over to the alpha. "What?" he asks once stopping in front of the lad.

"When are you planning on doing the plan?" Jason asks, nodding towards the blue eyed and brown haired omega.

"I said that I'll tell you. It's not now and it won't be until after the game against this other school." Harry explains, voice low so no one hears them.

Jason scoffs. "The month Malik gave you is nearly over." he notes getting an eye roll of the curly haired alpha.

"I still have two weeks and the rest of this." Harry says thruthfully.

"Yea, but if you wanna wait until after the game you only have one left."

Harry sighs. "Let that be my problem." he tells Jason. "I tell you when it will go down, understood?" Jason nods and Harry dismisses himself to go back to Zayn, Niall and Louis.

"What did he want?" Niall asks confused. He never saw Jason and Harry talk really. Maybe once or twice a short sentence, but that seemed different.

"Nothing important, really." Harry assures with a smile before turning to Louis. "I wanna show you an amazing place. Are you fine with that?" Louis smiles and nods. He still doesn't know a lot about the territory so why not?

The Bet - L.S. (Omega!Louis Alpha!Harry) ✔Where stories live. Discover now