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"Right just because
I'm a lawyer doesn't
mean you can
use me to sue
the guy upstairs."

Seungmin said tiredly,
he was fast asleep only
about half an hour ago;
after a long day in the
office he went to bed at 2am.

only to wake up at 2:07am,
with a little over a few
(52) messages and
(17) voicemails
telling him that Minho
had fallen down the
stairs and currently
had 9 broken bones
and 2 concussions.

So being the good friend
he was he woke the
fuck up and drove
to Minho's apartment
like his life depended
on it, not caring about
how he was wearing
the thinnest t-shirt
and booty shorts in the
middle of November.

He imagined entering
the apartment to find
a half dead Minho
in a full body cast
in need of comfort,

not an angry and tired
Minho demanding Seungmin
to sue the apartment
above his.

"Come on, there
must be some way
of suing him! He
disturbs my work
and sleep and is
just so annoying!"

Seungmin groaned
similarly to a constipated
walrus and flopped
down onto the sofa.

"Why are you so
keen on suing
him? Just tell him
to shut the hell up!"


The mentally, emotionally
and physically exhausted
lawyer felt his patience
slowly deteriorating.

"You know what Minho,
i think you need a holiday.
May I suggest a long vacation
to the Bermuda triangle?
I heard it's lovely
this time of year."

250 w.
time to sue

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