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"Felix! Can
you take
the till!"

A familiar voice
shouted from
the front counter,
Felix passed
the caramel
whip chocolate
to the waiting
women, before
making his way
to the cash register.

Changbin smiled
thankfully and
gently touched
his shoulder,
before moving
to the side to
continue making
the drinks.

Felix watched
as the man
then struggled
to open the
milk carton,
his tounge
poking out
the side of
his mouth as
he attempted to
take it the plastic.

He nearly missed
the couple who
were standing
by the board,
looking at the
newest drinks.

Nearly missed.

it was hard
to miss the
good looking
couple holding
hands, anyone
could tell you that.

One of them
was wearing a
half sleeve shirt,
showing off his
many tattoos,
while the other
was engulfed in
a beige sweater
many sizes too
big for him.
Their hands
tightly clasped

Others may
have admired
or even frowned
at them before
moving on
with their lives,
two good-looking
men being in a
wasn't big news
in Seoul anymore,
however Felix
saw differently.

Felix saw two
people who were
more than enough
nervous just holding
hands, shyly talking
to one another as they
discussed their drinks.

"Changbin look!
It's a first date!"

The other male
turned to look at
what his hyper partner
was so excited about,
smiling fondly-

-up until he saw
the pair.

"Is that

227 w.
sum good
'ol changlix!
and maybe
a plot twist
👀 ?w?

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