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"I'm going to
the bathroom,
I have cake all
over my hands. "

Seungmin said with a
disgusted face,
making Hyunjin snort.

He nodded
lightly and took
out his phone,
checking emails and
messages from his
manager and such
just as a couple
walked into the room.

Hyunjin nearly
dropped his phone
into his nearly
empty coffee cup.


Jisung had walked
in with a guy,
their hands intertwined,
who looked awfully
familiar. But he
couldn't pin point
where he had seen...

"I'm back,
I smell like lemon
sponge cake now.
Which I guess
isn't too bad and-
uh- Hyunjin?
You good babe?"

Seungmin followed
Hyunjin's shocked gaze,
his eyes meeting a
couple ordering drinks.

Seungmin smirked
triumphantly and
sat down,
picking up his tea cup.

"Looks like Minho
finally got that
hot guy from upstairs.
I knew he
wasn't married."

That's when
it hit him.

"He's the guy
who knocked on
Jisungs door
that morning!
He's the one who
he's been
crushing on?"

Seungmin choked
on his tea,
making it splash
onto his face.
He slowly put
the cup down.

"That was you?
You're the scary
hot guy who
answered the door?
His husband?"

"His husband?
God no! Besides
Jisung told me
that his cute
neighbour had
a boyfriend who
didn't invite him
in for pizza
when he apologised!"

Seungmin bit
his lip, trying
to hold in a giggle.

was me."

The model stared
at his partner,
who was desperately
trying to contain a laugh.
He chuckled and
covered his face,
whispering so only
Seungmin could hear them.

"I'm going to assume
they were spying
on us. That means
that they think
we're- that you and
me are che- cheat-"
hyunjin's couldnt
even finish his
sentence as he
started to laugh.

And that was it,
Seungmin couldn't
stop himself as
he broke into
a loud cackle,

"They're so
hopeless. Stupid
lovesick fools."

317 w.
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