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This was it.

This was
the day.

The day he would
finally put an end
to the monstrosity
that was located
in the apartment
above his.

The day he could
finally get atleast
an hour of sleep,

It was the day
he work as late
as he fucking wanted-
because this is the day
he would demolish this-


whatever it was
that his loud
neighbour thought
this was.

Did he think
this was a game?

Just because the
(seemingly very active)
man is attractive,
he thinks he can
get away with this?

No amount of
smirking, or his joyous
and wholesome laughing
or even the fact that
this man had a dog!
(or what he hoped
was the barking
noise he heard on
the other side of the
door a few weeks back)

It was the day,

he would speak
to the mysterious man.

"Right so Minho,
is there any reason
as to why you
are staring so intently
into that wall?"

He heard his
best friend say,
and not turning
to look at him
he said in a
monotone voice.

I'm going to
talk to him today."

Seungmin choked
on his coffee as
he heard what had
just come out of his
(ill? high? drunk?)

"You're going to
talk to...your wall?
And your wall is...a he?"

Minho suddenly
bashed his head
against the wall
in annoyance,
nearly making
Seungmin drop
his coffee
all together.

But before Seungmin
could shout at his
(probably ill, high and drunk)
friend, the loud sound
of knocks on his door
rang through his apartment.

And an recognisable
but unfamiliar
voice said,

"Yo, sup bab- bro.
Ya my brother.
My dude.
I'm the- the guy
from downstairs-
you know
the loud lad? Yup
uh- can we...talk?"

Minho froze
and looked over
to meet the eyes
of his smirking
best friend.

"You go get some,

295 w.
is all of
us tbh

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