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"Hi, you must
be my date?" Said
an unfamiliar
voice above him.

Chan didn't know
if he should be
thankful or heartbroken
when Minho texted
him a few days ago,
saying how he had set
him up for a blind

While it still made
him a little upset,
he knew Minho was
happy. So Chan allowed
himself the chance to
move on.

So he agreed, and
a that led to this moment.

The date was at 2,
but Chan had decided
to show up earlier and
prepare himself. This
was his first date
in 3 years. Tragic.

Immediatly, Chan
stood up from his
seat and held out a
hand for the stranger.

"Uh yup, I'm Chan."

The other boy smiled
widely, his dimple
catching Chan off guard.

"Nice to meet you!
I'm Jeongin." They said
joyously, shaking Chan's
hand nervously, and with
that they both sat down.
"I hope we can get
to know eachother well."

Chan felt his stomach
flutter at the wholesome
smile, and found himself
grinning back softly.

"Ya, I hope we do."

177 w.
becuz chan

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