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"How was your
date with Chan?"

Seungmin asked
causally, stroking
the small cat which
slept by his feet,
friends playing in
the background.

Minho scoffed,
dropping his bag
and keys on the

"It wasn't a
date headass,
he's like a
brother to me."

Seungmin visibly
flinched at that
comment, yet
minho didnt notice
as he was confusedly
staring at the huge
box infront of him.
It was a standard
brown box, yet it
looked so out of
place on the glass
coffee table.

"What's this? Did
you order something?"

Seungmin shrugged,
"No, it was left infront
of your door when
I got here. Figured it
was for you."

Sceptically, the
producer pulled
the box closet to him.
Noting that it was
actually extremely

So; either it was
something the
local girl scouts
were doing (hopefully
it was cookies), or
it's a bomb and
Minho is going
to die far more
dramatically than
he's like to.

Either way, he
was going to open
it and hope
for the best.

But it indeed
was the best.

There was a huge
bottle of cola, two
popcorn bags, some
small pretzels,
crisps and what
seemed to be a folded
up hoodie.

There was also
his bracelet, which
he remembers losing
weeks ago, and a
small card with a note
in fancy cursive writing.

dear, minho.
if you would like
to binge watch all
the harry potter
movies, all the rom
coms on netflix or every
single marvel movie
(preferably thor:ragnorak)
then please wear this
hoodie and bring this
box with you for a
date night.

from; jisung

address: upstairs,
there will be a door
with flowers waiting
for you, or just follow
the loud elephant like
footsteps to the apartment
above yours.

290 w.
i love my
sons sm

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