26. (christmas)

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"One of these days, I'm
actually going to fling
myself out this window."
Minho said to himself,
staring accusingly at his
bedroom window, which
was conveniently placed
above his desk.

It was Christmas eve, and
instead of drinking, having
fun and eating dinner-
Minho was hopelessly sat at his
working desk, desperately
trying to finish off writing
a song.

Well, maybe it was karma.
JYP did give him months
to finish it- but it was all
Jisungs fault!

After their movie date,
it was like Minho couldn't
go anywhere without
seeing the hyperactive

Coffee shop, there he
was! Gym, again! Minho
even ran into him at the
bloody chinese take out
just the other day.

That and they were texting
eachother none stop, mostly
Jisung tagging him in the
dumbest instagram posts or
Minho asking Jisung to 'shut
the fuck up IM TRYNA SLEEP

It was...nice. Distracting,
sometimes annoying-
but it made Minho's heart
swell up everytime Jisung
waved happily to him
when they crossed parts
in the corridors of the
apartment complex.

His eyes trailed back to
the coffee stained papers
(again, it was Jisungs fault
for showing his distracting
tattooed arms on the stairs) and
remembered that unless he
wanted to die, he had to
finish this song before Friday.

But, of course, the universe
despised Minho's very
existence, as he heard the
familiar beeping of his
front door being opened.

Minho froze, slowly turning
around in his chair, as the
hair on his arms stood up.

Their were only a certain
handful of people who
had the code to Minho's

His parents, Seungmin,
and his ex boyfriend.

Seungmin was out and would
be staying with Hyunjin
for christmas, so it couldn't
be him. And unless his parents
had travelled 2 hour to
surprise him, it couldn't be
them. His ex boyfriend was also
out of the question, afterall
he was happily engaged
to a baker in America.

So this could only mean
one thing-

Home invasion.

Now, there weren't many
things that scared Minho
in this world (besides jellyfish
the idea of someone sneaking
into your house while
you're in it deeply frightened
the man.

Quiet footsteps were heard
outside his door, and for
once Minho was glad he
was trying to blind himself
and kept all the lights off
except for his table lamp.

Soon after the footsteps
made their way to the living
room, and the sound of
rustling was heard. Minho
could quite literally
feel his heart about to
jump out his chest.

If Minho was shit scared
before he was shit pissed now.

So, someone had the fucking
decency to break into his
house on christmas and steal
his presents?

Not today.

Swiftly, Minho grabbed a
textbook off his desk and
made his way to his bedroom
door. Opening it ever so
slightly, he peered out into
the living room, careful
not to lean on the door.

The only lights were those
from the fairy lights
he and Jisung had put up
all around the flat, and
the rainbow coloured ones
from the christams tree. So
all that was seen was the
dark shadow from the
intruder, he was still
rummaging through the
pile of gifts under the tree.

Minho took in a deep breath,
and charged out the door.
Immediate the intruder got
up and turned around in
shock, holding up his hands.
But it was too late, as just as
Minho saw a panicked face-
the huge maths textbook
left his hands and flew through
the air.

It was like one of those cartoons,
as they both watched the book
spiral through the air in slow
motion, if the uninvited guest
wasn't about to receive a
concussion- Minho would have


The sound of the book hitting
him square in the face made
Minho cringe, and the intruder
fell to the floor in pain.

The producer took this as
a chance to grab the house
phone and quickly switch on
the lights, already calling the

However, after seeing
who was on his floor clutching
their nose in pain, Minho stopped
dailing the number and stared
in shock.

"...Jisung? How-"

Jisung held up a hand,
gesturing Minho too stop
talking as he got up. Jisung
swayed a little and Minho
immediately ran over to
his side, waving his arms
around frantically.

"Jesus! Jisung what is
wrong with you! How did
you even get my code-
why the fuck are you even
here?" Minho asked in
a rush, pushing the man
down onto the couch.
"Lay your head back, your
nose might start bleeding!"

Jisung did as he was told,
but the huge grin on his
face only irritated him
even more, "sorry cutie,
maybe I should've called
before hand."

"What were you trying
to do anyway?" Minho
asked, walking to the
kitchen to get a cold

"I got you a present."
Jisung replied, cocking his
head towards the tree,
"But I wanted it to be a
surprise, so I asked
Seungmin for your code
to come put it under your
tree...although I'm starting
think that was a bad idea."

Minho scoffed, dropping
the wet cloth on the dancers
face, resulting in his letting
out a shocked yelp. "Ya,
no shit. I thought you were
an intruder."

"I thought you were
asleep, it's 3am." Jisung
giggled, and Minho
wanted to cuddle the
injured man on his couch.

Instead, he flopped down
onto the couch next to
Jisung, letting out a
loud sigh. "I wish, I've
got to finish a song."

A warm weight suddenly
placed itselt on Minho's
shoulders, and he gently
looked to the side to see
Jisung lay his head on him.

Normally Minho would've
become flustered and
push his head away, but the
warmth coming from the man
beside him was comforting.
Not to mention the soft
glow coming from the
fairy lights above them
made Minho insanely tired.

It was peaceful and quiet
throughout the 2 bedroom
apartment, the unfinished
lyrics long forgotten.

"We should go on a date
tomorrow." Jisung quietly
said into Minho's shoulder,
making the other laugh softly.

"That sounds nice. Merry
Christmas, Jisung."

Minho could feel Jisung
smile against him, as
a wave of sleep was
slowly enveloping the
two of them.

"Merry Christmas."

1062 w
i love sum

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