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"Gosh, this
is like watching
a sad Korean

Felix muttered
frustratedly, as
he (secretly)
watched Chan
and Minho
eating lunch in
their cafe.

Changbin scoffed
at his partners
comment, yet couldn't
help but feel
bad for his friend.

Afterall, Chan
had liked Minho
for quite some
time now. Yet it
seemed Minho
didn't feel the same

"I can't watch this
anymore! I might
start sobbing!"

Felix cried mockingly,
throwing his dirty
rag onto the counter
and walking away
into the back kitchen.

"Tell me if Chan
pulls of a gun or
if Minho suddenly
announced his
pregnancy!" He
called back after a few
seconds, earning
a concerning glance
from an nearby
old lady.

"What? Why
would that happen?"

Felix popped
his head back out
the kitchen door,
white sugar powder
not so slyly covering
his face,

"Isn't that what
happens in
all Korean dramas?"
The man
asked confused
and Changbin
wanted nothing
more than to kiss
every inch of his
idiotic boyfriends
sugary face.

Instead, he smiled
happily to himself
and went back to
cleaning the morning
coffee mugs,
occasionally looking
up to watch the duo,
only to see Chan's
heartbroken smile.

194 w.
sum good
ol' changlix
to ease the
pain :'D

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