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"UGH- OW!"

Jisung was just peacefully
exiting his apartment,
his headphones in and
volume on max.

When suddenly he
saw a water bottle,
quite dramatically
and even a little comically,
hurling it's way towards.

Now if it wasn't for
his super quick
and awesome
spidey senses it surely
would have hit him.

And to top it off,
he had never seen
anyone look as dissapointed
as the man who had
thrown the water bottle.
who was even more upset that
it hadn't knocked him

Jisung made a mental
note to remember that
the cute man downstairs
could possibly be
a psychopath.

"Hold on
hold on,
did you just
throw that
at me?"

Minho froze.

He had just thrown
a filled up plastic
waterbottle at a fit
guy who could
probably step on him.

Not that he would mind.

Actually on second thought
he would very much
mind that this particular
fit man had also been
jumping around his apartment
at the most ungodly
hours of the night,
and now had the decency
to walk out of said m
apartment looking
this attractive?


So Minho did what
anyone else in this situation
would do.

He walked up to the
mysteriously loud man,
looked him up and down
(making it very apparent
that yes, he was indeed
checking him out), picked up his water bottle and left.

Leaving the
(slightly terrified)
dancer even
more concerned.

But a whole
lot more curious,
in the cute
man downstairs.

246 w.

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