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Both he and
Jisung had decided
that a nice dinner
at a well known
Thai restaurant
would be fun,
and it was something
Jisung had wanted
to try for awhile.

So they met at Jisungs
place for a bit, before
driving over to crowded
city centre.

Jisung had even
grabbed Minho's
hand and stuffed
it into his pocket,
saying how it was
'too cold for his
soft hands.'

Minho didn't exactly
oppose and gladly
intertwined their
fingers in his warm
jacket pocket.

was going well!

Perhaps it had
started to go down
hill when they
bumped into an
old friend on the
way there, just
as Jisung was
pinching Minho's
red flushed cheeks.

He walked right
into Chan's arms
by mistake, and the
older man had
practically started
to glow at the sight
of him.

"Minho! Where
are you off too?"
He asked happily,
unaware of the
patiently waiting
Jisung, their hands
still clasped together.

Minho smiled back
just as happily, it
was always nice to
see the particular
man, "I'm actually
going to eat, you
know that thai
place down the street!"

The dancer snorted
beside him, "sorry
love, we're going
to have to walk
a lot more than
just this street."

Chan quickly looked
over to Jisung, who
was smiling warmly
at him.

"Hi! I'm Jisung,
nice to meet you-?"

"Chan." He said
equally as brightly,
but unbenowst to
Minho, he squeezed
his fists at his side.

Jisung noticed.

The producer smiled
at the two, "Chan's one
of my closest friends,
and I work with him
from time to time to.
How is everything with
the mixtape by the way?"

Chan looked at Minho,
a little lost in thought.
He smiled shortly and
said, "all's good." in
a soft tone.

There was a beat
of silence before the
two men behind Chan
finally jumped in,

"Well! While it's
been great to see
you both- I'm
Yugyeom sorry forgot
to mention that-"

"And I'm bambam!"
The other supplied
with a goofy grin.

"-we really should
be heading off!"
Yugyeom finished,
grabbing Chan's coat,
"Looks like the two
of you are on a date,
so go on! Have fun!"

Bambam slapped his
friend on the shoulder
as the two men
exploded in a blush, but
neither denied the date.
Afterall it was one.
"Try some of the
Tom Yum Goong!
It's the best Thai
food, I should know."
He said, winking
at the end, and Minho
smiled back, amused.

"You're...on a date?"

Chan asked, in a
somewhat disbelief.

Minho had to do a
double take at the
frown on Chans face,
however it was gone
as soon as he saw it,
replaced with a more
serious smile.

"Have fun!"

And with that the
three men quickly
turned from them
and walked briskly
through the crowded
city streets.

Minho smiled as they
left, warm in his
chest after encountering
a friend. And Chan
looked back to see
him smile to at Jisung,
a frown on his face.

However Minho
didn't notice.

But Jisung did.

507 w.
T E A!
but it's
sad tea :(

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