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Seungmin put
down his coffee
mug slowly,
a bored frown
slowly growing
on his face.

"Don't look now,
but I see a
looking plant
staring at us."

Hyunjin raised
an eye eyebrow
in question
before slowly
looking back,
in time to
catch a head
quickly hide
the leaves of a plant.

Hyunjin sighed,
trying to get
a closer look
before he felt
poke him
under the table.

"Is it your friend?
The one who's
crushing on
his hot neighbor?"


"Minho? No.
He would
storm over
and interrogate
you. I hope
you two
never meet
anytime soon."

Hyunjin broke
a piece of
his sponge cake
with a small spoon
and held it up
to Seungmins lips,
satisfied when
Seungmin ate
it happily.

"Well then,
if it isn't
we know-
shouldn't we
be concerned
that we're
being watched?"

Seungmin shrugged,
a smug smile
on his face,

"You're gorgeous
Hyunjin, probably
one of your fans."

The other man
giggled at his
boyfriends comment,
taking a sip
of his mango iced tea,
in attempt
to hide his
growing blush.

"Ain't too bad
yourself, babe."

179 w.
i'm writing
a minsung
mafia/marriage au!
which might
be uploaded next
week, but
you didn't hear
that from me 👀

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