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"Thanks for
meeting with me,
I know you've
been super busy."

The man opposite
Minho said, smiling
sheepishly while
taking a sip of his
black coffee.

Minho could only
silently smile
back, because in
truth- he wasn't
busy at all.

Unless you called
hiding in your
house to avoid
the confrontation
of the hot guy
you accidentally
went on a date
with and then
proceeded to
ignore for the
following week.

If so, yes,
Minho was
very busy.

The other man
cleared his
throat, "so,
anything new?"

"Well, I am
working with

which is were
hot guy Jisung

"-which is

The older
man raised
his eyebrows,

new happen?"

Minho choked
on his strawberry
short cake, struggling
in a coughing fit
as he processed what
his friend was
asking him.

"I- um-
what? No!"

The other raised
his eyebrows,
a smile that you
couldn't quite
place on his face.

"Chan!" Minho
said scandalized,
resulting in the
blonde haired
man to laugh

"I'm kidding~
I know you would
tell me if you
got a boyfriend."

Minho continued
to mumble upsetedly
under his breath,
leaning down to
pick up the crumbs
of cake he dramatically
threw onto the floor
in a shock.

And as he did,
he didn't see the
sad smile that
Chan was giving
him, eyes
soft and empty.

224 w.
2 month
later, she
returns ;)

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