Family Ties

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We all took our masks off because it was getting to damn hot and jasmine noticed who we all were.

"Katrina please" She Said.

I Put My Hand Up To signal for her to shutup I Saw her Small ass squirming in the corner.

"You scared lil hoe" I Said Pulling My Gun Out And Started Walking Towards Her.


"Give me one reason why i shouldn't repaint the walls with yo brains" I Said tapping my gun against her head.

"B-because I'm pregnant" she said.

I Looked At Her My Eyes wide.

I Looked Over At Clyde and she was just as surprised.

"We need a stick" I Said.

"Oh I got one in my purse" Cleo said "it's in the car though"

"Hold Up why you keep em in yo purse" Clyde Said.

" we all know I get dick like drugs now Cmon " She Said and dragged Clyde out with her I stayed behind to keep a Eye on Mrs babymomma.

"Let's say you are pregnant don't think I still won't tell Katrell You was fucking another nigga" I Said eyeing her up and down.

She started nodding rapidly and put her head in her knees.

"Slut" I Said Under My Breath And Looked Out the window and saw a red car rolled up on the street.

"Shit" I Said Under My Breath And ducked.

"What's Wrong" jasmine Said.


And she sat back down I got my phone out my pocket and texted the trap because I knew we was messing with California drug cartel the bloods and Ian got time for no beef with them.

Basically all my business is in My hometown and I Run everything out there I'm not much for California drug cartels we try to stay out the way and we make money by doing that.

Me: we have a problem

Ron Ron 🤪: wassup niggaa

Baby ray ray 🍼: you Alright?

Me:no the bloods are here I need backup fool

Pit 🤬: address?

Jody 🙄 : where?

Smokey 🚬 : I'm already tracking yo phone g

Snoopy 🎈: I gotchu

Paul⚔️: on my way

Kesha 🎀 : Lemme Just Get Tula to babysit Shakira and Tyron jr Girl 👍🏾

Katrell: Lemme Get My Heat

Well this is gonna be interesting as hell.

I texted them the address and called Clyde to let her know wassup.

"Aye we got trouble My nigga" I Said.

"Yea I Know Meet you a minute stay where you are" She Said

"Ight" I Said And Hung Up.

I Looked At jasmine And She was squirming in the floor.

"What The fuck wrong witchu you got a disease or sum" I Said.

"There gonna Kill me" She Said.

"Why would they wanna Kill you" I Said.

"Because tony owed them money and I'm tied to tony please Katrina help me out" She Said.

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