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Now why the fuck would I murder my own blood?

Somebody out to get me and I think I know who....

I grabbed my phone and went outside and was relieved to find my cars was still here.

I took my Ferrari and drove out the lot in a hurry.

I know exactly where I need to go.

The trap.

I make it there and see nobody was here all the drugs all the computers the police monitors everything was gone.

This had to be a set up.

Right now I was hyperventilating.

How could he do this to me

I pull out the now cracked iPhone and call Katrell again.

"Kat I shouldn't be talking to you" he says low.

"Do you believe I killed her?" I Say with a sob.

"No not at all Look I know my sister.....but the odds really are not in your favor" he says.

"Where's Paul" I grit out.

"He's making arrangements, basically trynna convince everybody that you've stepped down" he said.

"I haven't stepped down from shit" I yell.

"Where is he Katrell I swear to god" I say yelling louder.

"Katrina calm down, look you just need to find Keisha Alright I'm worried about her her kids are worried about her" he says sobbing at the end.

"I'm tired of losing people" he says in a whisper.

I close my eyes and grip the phone tight to my ear.

"Are you with them right now" I Said.

"Yea Paul making me babysit I guess it's good practice" he said.

I chuckle "give them the phone"

"O-ok" he said reluctantly.

"Hey auntie kitty" Tyrone Said.

"Hey lil man, how you doing" I say.

"Good I miss my mommy" he says.

"I miss her too but I'm going to find her alright, I didnt in no way hurt your mommy ok?" I Said.

"I know you didn't even though......paw paw want me to think you did" he says in a little voice.

I grit my teeth to the point I'm afraid they would break.....that bitch.

"I'm gonna go now, you'll see your mommy real soon and can you give paw paw a message for me" I Say.

"Sure" he says.

"Tell him I Said game on" I Say and hang up.

Little dumbass games he wanna play, so be it.

He not gone take me out tho.

I take out my phone and call king and start prepping for what u got to do.

"Yellow" he says.

"Hey I need a favor babe" I Say seductively.

I go into the lounge room and see the gasoline is still there so I pour it everywhere while my cheek is pressed to the phone.

"I gave you a favor earlier remember when I was breaking yo back like a glow stick" he says.

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