Hard Back

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After being dropped back off Clyde asked if she could crash here for the night so I let her We was all torn up still over what happened, I still couldn't believe it I was just arguing with him over being a thot and now I will never hear him make up some excuse to leave again.

When we walked inside I went straight to my bestfriend ciroc.

"I missed you" I Said And Took the alcohol goodness out my freezer.

"You want some" I Said to Clyde who's head was in her hands.

"Yea man" she said sniffling.

I Got Out a whole bottle for her which I rarely do for people but today was a special day.

I handed her the bottle and she drunk it down in a hurry and so I did with her.

"Rip Jody" I said putting it up in the air.

"Why Him Man?" She Said.

"Shit I don't know" I Said Sitting Down next to her.

"We gotta get them cocksuckers Kat" she said

"I'm already on it, I told y'all the plan" I Said.

"I just wanna run in there and let loose" she said.

"And what will that solve" I Said staring at her now.

She kept quiet.

"Fuck that I'm not losing another cousin hoe you hear me" I Said.

Still silence.

"You Talking to me as my cousin or my boss" she said.

"What The Hell thats supposed to mean" I Said appalled.

"Who wanted us to move out here again?" She Said.

"Bitch no you know what give me my damn ciroc back" I Said snatching the bottle.

"Y'all wanted more scenery just Incase" I Said.

"But YOU decided on coming here Kat" Clyde said.

"Paul was right" she said under her breathe.

"What The fuck you mean Paul was right" I said yelling now.

"We've been talking" She Said.

"About me?" I Said.

"Yes about you he told us some shit like this would happen...he said that we do all the work" she said.

I was surprised I couldn't believe my own family was turning on me slowly.

"Y'all trynna overthrow me" I Said in a deathly tone I never wanted to pull a trigger so much in my life at something.

"We just think you should step down if this plan don't go down right" She Said.

All I remember is me snapping.

"I'm the one who started this after daddy died and was passed down to me, who got people to take us serious and what stupid ass cousin started fucking with a police officer daughter" I said throwing my bottle across the room in anger.

We decided to let that go, but if she wanna throw low blows then so could I.

She Got Up now "you know what fuck you im out" she said.

"And tell Paul if he wanna take my place he need to stop fucking dreaming" I Said.

"It wasn't just Paul who agreed to it, it was your brother" she said then closed the door on her way out.

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