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At the hospital....

"Is he ok" I Said To Katrell.

"Yea the doctors got him in icu" he said.

My hands was shaking around the nasty ass dollar coffe I got from the vending machine.

"You ok" Katrell Said putting his hands on top of mine.

"No I'm not, is this my fault what if this is" I said unable to speak anymore from the lump forming in my throat.

"How is this your fault you couldn't have known about any of this Alright" he said.

I nodded slowly.

Coming through the hospital doors now was jasmine with her baby bump now showing.

"Oh well look who it is" I Said.

"Chillout katrina" Katrell Said.

"What you mean chillout this bitch got a whole baby that's not yours if anything I'm chilling in" I Said.

"We've decided to work on things" jasmine said.

I Looked her up and down.

"Mhmmm" I Said My Eyes narrowed.

This bitch was a hoe, and I knew a hoe when I saw a hoe.

I walked towards the waiting room without saying goodbye to my dumbass brother and found a seat next to Clyde.

"You know imma find a way to lecture you about this right" he said.

I Rolled My Eyes.

"This is not even my fault-" I Said Before I was interrupted.

"The doctors said if the bullet inched even a little close the bullet would've made it to his heart" he said.

I put my hand over my mouth in shock.

"We should've took the bloods out the day we was at they house" he said rubbing his forehead.

"And then what we all gone have bullets In our hearts, so what since do that make Clyde" I Said.

"Or we shouldn't have moved here in the first place KATRINA" he said.

"Will y'all shut the hell up" baby ray ray said.

"Godamn" Clyde Said.

"This is not my fault and I won't let y'all bully me into guilt" I said through clenched teeth.

"We are not kids anymore nobody is bullying you in anything" Clyde Said.

Before I could cuss him out the nurse Came.

"Relatives Of Smokey Robinson" She Said.

We all got up "I'm only taking 2" She Said.

"I'll go" I Said.

"You've done enough Katrina" he said "I'll go"

"Man how bout y'all both stay here" Ron Ron Said.

"I'm going whether you like it or not" I Said moving past my cousins and following the nurse.

"Hardheaded" I heard Clyde say.

But I really didn't care at the moment.

I went into the room with Ron Ron and there in the bed was Smokey.

His breathing had leveled out so all you could hear was his monitor.

Soon the doctor came in.

"Ah you must be the relatives of me.Robinson" he said.

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