Chapter Eleven

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McKenna always thought the idea of strolling along the beach at sunset holding hands with someone was probably one of the corniest things one could do at the Jersey shore. And yet, there she was, her fingers linked with Loki's and the surf washing over her bare feet while her flipflops dangled from her free hand.

Loki gazed down at her. "What's on your mind? You've become very quiet."

"I'm tired, to be honest. It's been a crazy week."

His thumb caressed the flat of her hand. "I'm sure it has for you."

She stopped and turned toward the water with a sigh. The ocean was calm, the whitecaps no bigger than normal and the tide was going out. In the distance, she could see several boats, and there were still a few holdouts refusing to cede the day to night.

Loki draped an arm about her shoulders and pulled her back against his chest. "Where are you? You seem miles from here."

"I'm just waiting for Coulson to jump out of the surf and blast you with his ray gun again."

His laugh rumbled softly against her ear. "I don't think we need worry about that."

But they did need to worry. It wouldn't take much for Coulson and his cohorts to figure out the mystery of Loki's disappearance. And although they were several miles from Point Pleasant, it also wouldn't take long—in theory—to track them to the Winchester. Loki was a wanted man—er, god—S.H.I.E.L.D. was most likely making him their top priority. And the barrier islands weren't exactly big, either.

"We should probably leave the shore. Or at least go somewhere else, maybe a little more south."

"McKenna, you've nothing to worry about."

"How can you say that?" She turned to face him. The setting sun streaked the sky with coral and gold-tinged pink, seagulls sailed on the gentle wind blowing in from the water, and she shivered as the air cooled a little each minute. "S.H.I.E.L.D. knows you're back. They don't know you aren't planning on taking over the world again—" She narrowed her eyes at him. "You aren't, right?"

He smiled, catching her face in his hands. "No, I'm not. Not yet, anyway."


"No. I have no designs on Midgard again. I learned the hard way. My back may never be the same again."

"I could walk on it for you."

His thumbs brushed lightly over her cheeks. "You could what?"

"Sometimes it helps. I used to walk on Joe's back now and then."

"I appreciate the offer, but something tells me I wouldn't even be able to feel you there, any more than I felt your cat lying on me."

"Cinder. God, I hope he's all right."

"Didn't your friend say she had him?"

McKenna nodded. "Yeah, but Tony isn't fond of cats." Those gentle sweeps of his fingers on her cheeks brought about a drowsiness that made her want to just melt into him and rest her head on his chest again.

She gave into the impulse and he responded by wrapping his arms about her. "What happens now?" she asked.

"Now? Now we go back above and see if the hot water has returned."

She laughed. "I think we should probably wait until the morning for that."

"Very well. Morning it is."

Her head still against him, she shifted to look up. "You need to go back, don't you? To face the Chitauri, I mean. You can't keep running from them forever."

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