Chapter Fifteen

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Volstagg, Fandral, and Hogun were the first to arrive in Thor's chambers, and although they eyed Captain America oddly, they still sat across the table from him. Sif then entered and was the first to speak, "What is going on, Thor?"

"We need to go to Jötunheim," Thor said, looking from Loki to each one of his friends. He held up a hand as all they all began to protest at the same time. "Now, this is for a good reason."

"You said that the last time," Volstagg replied, shaking his head. "And look how it turned out."

"I don't understand," Sif said, looking from Captain America to Thor and back. "Why now? We have no quarrel with the Jötunn. Laufey is gone. It's the one good thing Loki did for Asgard."

Captain America smiled, stretching his legs beneath the table. It was the only thing that relieved the discomfort of the pinching at the intersection of his thigh and groin. But as Sif turned back to him, he hid his smile. "Ask him," he said, gesturing to Thor. "This is his party."

Sif shook her head. "You are odd."

"He is Midgardian," Thor said, as if it explained everything. Then, his expression turned serious. "Because this is a serious matter. The Chitauri are there and they have kidnapped a Midgardian as retribution for Loki's failure to deliver them the Tesseract."

Hopefully, no one saw Captain America stiffen at that as he braced himself for the onslaught of mockery and insult he rightfully deserved.

Sif was the first one. "It's only unfortunate Loki weaseled out of paying the price. A heroic death was too good for him."

Fandral was next. "I agree. Why would they choose a Midgardian anyway? It makes no sense."

Volstagg had to throw in his two cents. "Loki had the easy way out, the coward."

"Enough." Thor held up his hand. "What I have to tell you is to never leave this room. And when I say you need trust me, I mean it. And you do need trust me."

Sif leaned forward. "What is it, Thor?"

With that, Captain America breathed a sigh of relief as he shed the blue spandex nightmare for the comfort of black leather leggings and his black and green leather and gold tunic. Sif and the Warriors Three gasped as one unit, eyes bulging from their sockets as they all stared at him in disbelief.

And immediately, four sword blades pressed into Loki's neck.

"Stand down," Thor thundered, "and heed what I say."

Loki managed a smile as the stinging in his neck stopped. "I've missed you all as well. It's nice to know you remember me well."

Sif glared at him. "Why are you here? You died on Svartalfheim."

"Yes, and it was an heroic death, wasn't it? Or it would have been, had I actually died." He folded his arms over his chest. "Now, if there's nothing else, perhaps Thor might continue? This is important, you know."

"Why is he here?" Sif demanded, whipping about to glare at Thor.

"Because the Midgardian is his."

"What?" Fandral gasped, slipping his blade back into its scabbard.

"Her name is McKenna," Thor went on, rising from his chair, "and we are going to get her."

"In exchange for him, right?" Sif asked, pointing at Loki.

He gave her a hurt look. "Why Sif, you wound me. Are you jealous?"

"Jealous?" She sniffed. "Hardly. I would never—"

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