Chapter Seventeen

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Something brushed against McKenna's cheek, just grazed it, and she swiped at it impatiently, mumbling as she rolled over and pulled the covers over her head.

"Ah-ah," a soft voice came teasing in her ear, "you need to wake up, if you're going to see this. We must go at first light."

"Go away," she mumbled.

The sheets fluttered, a cool breeze kissed her skin, and then a slow heat worked its way up along her back. Lips. Someone was kissing his way along her spine and it was not conducive to sleep. Her skin tingled as Loki's voice caressed her ear again. "Come with me, Midgardian. I promise you, you will not regret it."

She forced the sleep from her eyes to squint up at him over her shoulder. His long black hair was sleep-tossed and his smile was sinful. "What time is it?"

"Dawn. Just after sunrise." He bent to kiss her shoulder, then the slope of her neck, and finally, her ear. "Come with me."

"Where are we going?"

He lifted himself off her enough to allow her room to roll over beneath him, and then covered her with his body once more. "It's a surprise of sorts."

She wound her arms about his neck and tugged him down. He didn't resist, his lips coming down to meet hers. They were warm and soft, his mouth moving slowly against hers. She parted her lips and as the tip of his tongue eased between them, she sighed, letting her tongue skim along his, to explore the depths of his mouth the way he did hers.

He groaned low in his throat and slowly broke the kiss to whisper, "We must go now if we're going to go at all, love. Although, you are definitely tempting me to stay."

"Lead the way," she whispered, smiling up at him.

His smile widened, sensual and teasing as he slid from her and stood to offer his hand. "Come. It's time you saw my world."

McKenna chuckled as she rose and gazed down at her nightgown. "Like this? I'm barely dressed."

"We can fix that." A swish of his hand and she found herself clothed in a beautiful dress of peacock blue and green, with long, flowing skirts and sleeves, and a fitted bodice edged in gold. "Mmmm, you look stunning dressed as an Asgardian."

She smoothed her hands along the skirts, then twirled slightly to make the layered skirts flutter. "I don't even remember the last time I wore a dress. I don't even think I own one."

"Well, now you do."

She turned to him. He was already dressed in black leggings and a long black and silver tunic. He ran his hands through his hair and it smoothed back, the curl tamed into a much sleeker fall. The last traces of bruising and cuts had gone from his face and in the pale morning sunlight, he was beyond strikingly handsome.

He held out his hand. "Come."

She laid her hand in his and was surprised when he didn't lead her to the door. Rather, he raised his right hand, and the terrace doors swung wide. The morning air was cool, brisk, and she shivered, which made him promptly flick his hand and a wrap of soft emerald green velvet lay across her shoulders.

"I knew I'd forgotten something," he said with a grin. "And I apologize."

"I'm fine, but thank you." Letting her hand slid from his, she strolled across to the low stone wall and leaned over to try and take in everything before her. Loki never spoke of how beautiful Asgard was, all lush and green, with buildings of shimmering gold all around. What was it like, growing up here as the son of Odin? To have full run over everything?

How many Asgardian women had he brought to wherever it was he planned to bring her?

She bit the inside of her bottom lip. No, she didn't want to think about the other women who came before her, although she knew there had to be some. The son of a god? A god himself. A handsome god? A handsome, sexy god?

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