Chapter Nineteen

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She landed hard on the soft sand, her knees buckling to send her sprawling facedown. Every part of her body hurt from the impact and she had no strength to do anything but just lay there for a few minutes, stunned, until little by little, she realized it was dark. A cool breeze blew in off the water, helping to clear her head and with a low groan, she rolled onto her back to stare up at the star-spattered night sky.

For a moment, she wondered if she'd just fallen asleep on the beach and dreamed everything that happened. But that couldn't be right, either, because how else would she have gotten to the shore? It all had to have happened.

And that meant...

No, don't think about that.

She sat up slowly, wincing at the dull ache that crept along her spine to settle in her head. How long had she been in Asgard? She had no idea how much time had passed. She didn't even know what day it was.

Waves crashed softly against the shore, the sound soothing as her head slowly cleared, and as she gazed out across the water's sparkling surface, a heavy sigh rose to her lips. "You can't sit here all night," she muttered. "But..."

She twisted to peer over her shoulder at the Winchester. What if she had been gone long enough that her room had been let to someone else? Where would her things be in that case?

"Only one way to find out."

With that, she pushed herself up to her feet, her knees threatening to go to sponge, but thankfully they held up, although walking across the shifting sand wasn't the easy thing just then. Still, she made her way back and up onto the Winchester's back patio.


She jumped at the unexpected sound of Shannon's voice and turned to her left to see her rising from a chair at the far end of the patio, a look of utter relief on her face as she skirted the other tables to grab McKenna in a tight hug. "Oh, thank god you're okay!"

"Wait, wait..." McKenna pulled free, painfully aware of the other diners around them, staring at them. "I need to sit down and I need a damn drink."

"Yeah, yeah, come on." Shannon grabbed her arm and pulled her around to her table, where McKenna sank into the other chair and rested her elbows on the table, her head in her hands, while Shannon flagged down the server.

"What can I get for you ladies?"

McKenna looked up, her mind still on the fuzzy side as she said, "Uhh... a Dark and Stormy, please."

"You got it." The server turned to Shannon. "And you?"

"I'm good, thanks."

"I'll be right back with your drink."

McKenna nodded. "Thank you."

Shannon waited for the server to leave, then said, "What happened? Where were you? Where's your god?"

Her head pounding, McKenna rubbed her forehead as she replied, "What day is it, Shay?"

"It's Sunday, Kenna. You've been gone a week."

McKenna jerked up. "What?"

"Yeah, you've been gone a week. Where were you? And where is your god?"

The image of Loki being dragged away in chains flashed through McKenna's mind and she winced as her headache came roaring back. "He's... he's not coming, Shay. We... he... it's a long story."

"Well, S.H.I.E.L.D must've been expecting him as well, because that little guy? Coulson? He's been staying in your room."

McKenna winced. "Really?"

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