2) Testing

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"People don't cry because they're too weak. It's because they've been strong for too long. This is why bodybuilders are the saddest people on earth." - Unknown


{Lizzie's POV}

After everyone had been released I sat there in pain. I felt like crying so I did. I broke out in tears. It wasn't loud just sniffling and tears. I got the attention of everyone in the room, but I didn't care. It hurt. I wanted to back to my life. The one where everything was okay. The one where my mom tucked me in at night. The one where I was supported by my friends. The one that I was taken from.

"I wanna go home." I mumbled.

"We all do." The kid next to me said. His name was Joel. That made me stop crying. I just sat there staring at the bars of the cage we were in. It was a while of just sitting in silence. No one knew what to say.

"Hey what's happening to your head?" A boy said. I looked up and saw the boy named Cory and he was talking to another boy named Adam.

"What?" Adam said.

"There's a yellow glow on it." Cory explained. That's when I saw it. On top of Adam's head was a yellow glow that was in two spots looking like it was creating something. There was also one on his back. It started happening to Cory but his was black.

"Wait it's happening to you too dude!" A red headed boy named Red said. Cory checked his head and his mouth dropped.

"I feel something furry.." He said.

"This is so unfair!" Max said a bit loud. It scared the boy next to him and he huddled more into a ball than he was. It started happening to him too. I believe his name was Ross. It started happening to all of us. Mine was pink and soon the room was illuminated by different lights and colours. When the lights had calmed down we couldn't see what had happened in the dark room. We heard clicking of heals and we saw Ms. Sieraa standing at the door. She opened it and shone a flashlight in. I could see her sadistic smile as she turned off the bright light.

"Okay, I need you all to follow me." She said.

We stood up a reluctantly followed her out of the room.

{Max's POV}

Ms. Sieraa shut the door and we followed quietly after her. I looked around at the other and saw that we had an assortment of ears and tails. Adam and Cory had wolf parts, Joel looked like he was part Shrek, I had fox parts, Ross had squirrel parts, Jin and Aphmau had lion parts, Red and Barney had dinosaur parts, and Lizzie and Shelby had cat parts. As we were walking down the hall we saw other kids like us wearing hospital gowns. I saw one kid who looked so thin I was amazed he could stand.

"Ms. Sieraa." We heard a kid ask pulling on her lab coat. He was probably about 5 and looked innocent.

"Yes?" She asked annoyed.

"I got this for you." He said holding up a dead flower.

"Where did you get this?" She asked angrily.

"I picked it up from a pot in a room I was in." He said innocently. Ms. Sieraa snatched the flower.

"You are not supposed to wander. Now, don't make me call the guards." She said. The kid looked frightened and ran of crying. Poor kid. Ms. Sieraa then crumpled up the flower and threw it behind her. I stepped over it trying not to destroy it more than it had been. Ms. Sieraa led us through a series of hallways until she finally stopped at a door. There was a sign on it that said 'Testing Wing'. She pushed a series of buttons on a keypad. I memorized it. 4-9-2-6. I repeated it in my head. Ms. Sieraa led us through the door and down the hallway. It smelled like people had died in here. It was faint but still there. Ms. Sieraa opened a door and we walked in. There were 11 beds all with leather straps. There also was a window that faced the beds. There were a bunch of counters with a ton of different supplies on them.

"Get on the beds." Ms. Sieraa said. We complied and laid down. She came around and strapped us all in. She pushed a button and the beds moved so we were slanted upright.

"Stay here." Ms. Sieraa told us.

"Like we can move." I mumbled as she left. I heard struggling and saw Adam trying to get loose.

"Dude it's not worth it." I heard Joel say.

"I can at least try." He said still struggling.

"Why'd they use leather?" Cory asked.

"To keep us strapped in." Aphmau said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Well, yeah but when we were in the chairs they used metal." Cory said.

"Adam! You're really annoying me with that noise." I said.

"Well sorry I'm trying to get out. Cory has a point. They wouldn't use leather if they were trying to keep us in." Adam said still struggling.

"Plus that's a one-sided mirror." Cory said as he started to struggle as well.

"So they're watching us. All the more reason to stop struggling!" I said.

"Are you getting Mad Max?" I heard Adam say.

"Don't." I said.

"If I stop will you be a Glad Max?" Adam said still teasing me.

"Adam." I said warning him.

"But if I get out will you be a Sad Max?" Adam said pushing my limits. I was angry. I broke free with ease scaring the Ross kid and walked to Adam tried to strangle him.

"Max! How in the?!" Cory said. I realized that I escaped and stop trying to kill Adam.

"Quick get us out!" Joel called.

"Did you see what Ms. Sieraa did to that kid back in the hallway. If that was for wandering I don't want to find out the punishment for escaping. You're on your own." I said.

"Max the point of this is to escape!" Adam shouted getting one of his hands free.

"Finally!" He said unhooking the other one. He jumped off and headed to Cory.

"Max if you're not gonna help go at least try the door!" Cory said getting free of his bonds with the help of Adam.

"Fine I'll help." I said heading to someone and unhooking them as Adam unhooked Joel. We unhooked everyone and Cory tried the door.

"Locked." He said.

"So it was for nothing." I said.

"Look around the room for something!" Joel said rummaging through the cabinets. We followed in pursuit and I started to look through a cupboard.

"GUYS!" I heard Shelby call.

"Ow my ears!" Adam shouted.

"Sorry but look." Shelby said holding up a screwdriver and vent cover. She had unscrewed the vent and it was big enough for us all to fit.

"Why didn't I think of that!" Cory called coming over and bending down to look in the vent. He knocked on it.

"Seems sturdy enough." Cory said. He crawled in.

"Cory!" Jin shouted.

"It's okay guys come in." We heard Cory say.

"Eh, why not." Shelby said crawling in after. Ross followed her and soon we were all in the vent.

"Don't forget to put the cover back up!" We heard the echo of Cory's voice shout. The last person, Jin, did as told and we made our way through the vents.

{Shelby's POV}

"Hey Shelby do you still have the screwdriver?" Cory asked me.

"Yup." I said.

"OK WE'RE STOPPING!" Cory shouted. We all stopped and I handed Cory the screwdriver.

"Thanks but I don't need it." He said. He moved and kicked the vent open. He crawled out and I followed.

"Crap." He said. I looked where he was looking at and saw Ms. Sieraa along with Eric and a few other guards. They were looking towards us and looked impressed.

"New record, you think?" I heard Eric ask Ms. Sieraa.

"Uh what's going on?" I asked as everyone else came out.

"Congratulations. You have completed the first test."

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