12) Here and There

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"If you have to sneak to do it, lie to cover it up, or delete it to avoid it being seen, then you probably shouldn't be doing it." -Unknown


Sorry I haven't updated in a while, I lost motivation and when I wanted to write, Wi-Fi went down. Anyways, double-update to repay my absence.

{3rd person}

None of the kids had any idea where to even hide the journals or how to organize them.

"What information do we even need?!" Lizzie exclaimed, irritated.

"Door codes, names, jobs, routines, schedules, useful information, etc." Jin stated. Lizzie sighed.

"Okay, let's worry about where to hide the things." Joel said. Everyone nodded and got up to look around.

Several spots were found. In between the couch cushions. They could take the covers off the games and glue it to the books. Under mattresses. Behind the consoles. Under the rug. In the kitchen cabinets. And plenty more.

"I think we've found enough." Cory claimed shutting a cabinet door. The others nodded just before a bell chimed. The clock read 8 as the intercom went on.

"All hybrids make your way to the cafeteria for lunch." The voice from yesterday spoke. The door opened and the kids followed the route they took yesterday to the cafeteria.

Upon arriving, the other non-hybrids didn't even bother to spare them a glance as they got their food and sat down.

"It seems as if we're the farthest away from the cafeteria. We've been the last to get here. There's also barely any guards, but tons of security cameras." Shelby pointed out.

"Observent." Adam commented. Shelby shot him a glare and sighed.

"What I'm trying to say is that: In our position in the building, it's going to be hard to escape. Especially if we don't know the layout of this place." Shelby continued.

"Look, I want to escape just as bad as the rest of you but, don't you think that people have already tried?" Joel asked.

"Well yeah. But, we have powers!" Shelby said. "It should be easier for us."

"Yeah, but we also don't know what other experiments are going on here." Max said.

"We've got seven years to figure out." Lizzie reasoned.

"True." Cory said.

After breakfast they followed the route back and decided to wait until their next test. The wait was short lived as Eric entered the door shortly after they sat on the couches. Eric came in, face shoved in a clipboard and murmuring. He looked up, counted the kids and looked back down to write something then put away the clipboard.

"Could everyone follow me?" Eric asked, but it sounded more like a command. The kids shuffled of the couches and followed the scientist out of the room and down the hall, opposite to the lunch room. A series of twists and turns later, the group arrived at the Ability Wing and were led through a coded door. 4-9-6-8. The kids looked to Max who nodded and started to memorize. It was stated earlier that Max, whit his incredible photographic memory, would memorize codes and such. Eric led them down more hallways, past the solitary room and into a new room. This room was, again, fully white and contained several random objects from pencils to bikes.

"In the serum we gave you, you were given certain powers. Today we're here to practice them and see your full potential." Eric spoke.

Over the course of the next few years the kids learned to harness their powers, they made a strong bond between them and their supervisor Phoebe, and they learned several pieces of information. They saw people come and go, and they gained more perks from pretending to be obedient. They were headed back from lunch when they discovered something in their room. Or well, someone..

The kids were talking happily as they walked to their room from lunch. The door was ajar, which wasn't how they left it and they stopped. Spending nearly seven years in this place they were put through serious and difficult tasks and fun was frowned upon. Adam, who had only discovered one power, pealed open the door and looked through. A gasp was heard inside and Adam pushed the door open further. Inside stood Phoebe holding the several books of information they had on the lab.

"Kids! I didn't notice you! C-Come in, please." The red-head stated placing the open book down on the dining table. The eleven teens walked in the room and walked closer. Every single book they had filled to the brim with information were sprawled on the table.

"What is this?" Lizzie asked. Phoebe rubbed the back of her neck and smiled shyly.

"I was told to clean, and since you guys weren't here I thought I would go ahead and clean until you guys arrived, and I discovered all of these books. Have you guys been planning to escape?" Phoebe asked with a serious tone at the end. The looks on the hybrids face was enough of and answer to her. She sighed.

"I'll help." The teens' faces turned to looks of shock.

"W-What?" Cory asked.

"Look, I don't want you guys to stay here. I've only heard rumors of what happens in the next facility. Rumors of how kids never see the light of day, how they're trapped, killed, tortured, used as spies. It's terrible. I don't want you to go through that. And especially with your abilities. You'll be screwed." Phoebe explained.

"So, you'll help us?" Shelby asked. Phoebe nodded.

"I've been talking to the doctor that made the serums that turned you and if we can get him out of his cell, we can get to a safe place. He's told me about a place high in the mountains that him and his husband have been wanting to live in that would be perfect shelter." Phoebe continued.

"The doctor that turned us into this is being held captive?" Ross asked. Phoebe nodded.

"Ian, the doctor, has been forced into making several complex chemical solutions for Sieraa to use. He's even made an army of dragons for her." Phoebe claimed.

"Dragons? I thought those were a myth?" Barney asked. Phoebe shook her head.

"Sit, there is a lot to explain." Phoebe said.

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