17) Get Through Okay?

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"I'm on a curiosity voyage, and I need my paddles to travel. These books are my paddles." - Dustin Henderson

{3rd Person}

Thirteen people stood on a large deck, overviewing the mountainside. It was a nice view to say the least and what these people had gone through to get up here was incredible.

It had been a year since the Sky Army escaped the confines of what was known as Area X. An undisclosed area in which illegal government operations were conducted. 3 months after their escape they sought to shut the facility down. Luckily they managed, with the help of their former captives pets.

Sieraa was locked away. It had turned out her ability was mind control, after being morphed into a snake by Ian's clever thinking. By that time Ian had finally revealed that the serum in which changed the kids did in fact have an antidote and would be ready by the end of the year.

Life was okay for now. The kids, now young adults and no longer hybrids, were finally ready to go off in search of the parents. Having not seen them for many years.

They waved Ian and Ben off as they set down the mountain and to their new journey. Hopefully nothing would happen along the way.

There certainly wasn't anything else that could happen to them.


This is the end of Colours!!! Thank you so much to everyone who stuck around during my awful upload schedule and my terrible tendency to procrastinate this book. I thoroughly enjoyed writing this. I hope that maybe I could extend this series, I have an idea but, I'm not sure if I want to go through with it yet. I might cut down on some of the characters and only have a few, but I do want to continue it.

I hope you like this book as much as I enjoyed writing, have a wonderful rest of your life!!

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